Random ID Deck - Week 3 - Corp

MrFiver 7

My girlfriend and I started playing a weekly game with randomly drawn corp and runner ID's to force ourselves to try new things. This is my week 3 corp deck with Harmony Medtech: Biomedical Pioneer.

I asked a long-time friend of mine, who is a long-time Jinteki fan, his thoughts on the faction. He had this to say:

"Alright, biggest mistake you can make with Jinteki: Trying to build a trying to build it as a killbox. You don't want a killbox, you want a haunted house. If the Runner knows there's meat damage under every face-down, they can prepare. So you've got to change it up. Smoke and mirrors! Imply, without showing. ICE that buffs other ICE can be good for this. 'Is he setting up a one-hit kill, or is it a bluff?'

Weight your deck towards cheaper cards. Early game, you want to flood the field. For Agendas, traditionally, Jinteki wants cheaper ones. If the opponent knows you can score quickly, they'll be forced to take risks. That's where your advanceable traps come into play. This is more situational, but in-game, try not to overplay your hand. Your fear can be more powerful than your actual ICE strength. If you can, you want to be able to add/swap ICE when a runner gets too much info to build that fear up again. Remeber, it's the RUNNER that thinks you're running a kill deck. Really, you're just hoping to score your agendas before they get too bold.

For my money, Jinteki kill decks are purestrain, elemental Netrunner; it's all about the mental game. Every one of your ICE does brain damage until they know otherwise, if you can get that idea firmly in your opponent's head, the deck runs itself.

Care for some card suggestions? Snare! and Project Junebug are both pretty basic. Project Junebugcan legit 1-hit kill, so it'll make a runner that's made it through your defenses still hesitate. Fetal AI pairs nicely with Project Junebug as well. Is it a trap, or is it an Agenda? Yes! Edge of World can also be helpful here, but it's more of a needy card; it needs a certain ICE/economy framework to really do its job. (As an alternative, consider Edge of World HB cousin, Cerebral Overwriter) Speaking of threats, Chum is a nice one, both as a bluff and a legit obstacle. Some Agendas to look into further: House of Knives, Philotic Entanglement"

I then asked him about [Harmony Medtech: Biomedical Pioneer(/en/card/05001):

"Sure, that goes straight to the core of Jinteki! With six, you could, in theory, win in two Agenda claims. You're going to need to play off that. Advance constantly. Force the runner to blind-dive you, and then make them pay for it. If they get too reckless, kill them. If they play it too safe, score, win, and don't look back. Remember, NBN Tag and Bag ACTUALLY wants to kill the runner, You just want to have the threat of the kill to buy you the time you need for quick scores. Let that inform your ICE choices; when you aren't hurting, stall them. The less time they believe they have, the more reckless plays you can force them into."

That's what I'm trying to do here with this deck. (I didn't have much time to build this week so it probably isn't a great composition. We'll see what happens!)

4 Mar 2015 Trypios

I don't think Harmony Medtech is about net damage. Better use PE for that kind of kill-deck. This ID is more about fast advance, forcing the runner to make mistakes because all you need is 3 agendas. Veterans Program seems useless, unless you play against Valencia... I'd include 3x NAPDs, Medical Breakthrough stays, but swap all the 3/1s for 3/2s like Braintrust or something. That'll take you down to 9 agendas, that will also be easier to score. You also have no protection against anarch milling.

9 Mar 2015 MrFiver

Since my usual game got postponed, I have time to tweak and re-visit this build before trying it out. I think you've got some good suggestions too but here are my thoughts in response:
-As for net damage, I think you're right: Jinteki: Personal Evolution would be better. However, my goal isn't a kill deck. My goal is one that looks like a kill deck so the runner slows down a bit. As such, I tried to put in enough net damage cards here and there to make the deck appear appropriately spooky.
-Veterans Program was put in because I needed one more point and could be swapped with ease. I left out NAPD Contract though because I wanted less advancement cost. I'll need to look at my agenda spread in the next couple of days and see if I feel any differently now that I've slept on it.
-Do you have any suggestions for a milling defense? It's a good point and I hadn't thought about it previously.

9 Mar 2015 Trypios

Jackson Howard and Archived Memories, but you have to remove some assets or agendas to fit them. You need 18 points, why not use 9x 2-point agendas? 2 agendas less to make runner's life harder.