Who Invited Faust?

fiveplus5is55 41

It is a very Fun Deck, and also very competitive after several Trials On J-net.

You will go through your deck quickly early on and once you Levy for the first time, your next Round becomes sth like this : Let's say your are broke...

Click 1 : Play Lucky find for 1 click and gain 6 credits and use Comet to play Sure Gamble for 4 more Credits, and that is all possible because you took off 3 from PrePaids to start the whole Party. You now went up from 0 to 13 credits.

Click 2: You can choose to either Maker's eye R&D if you feel you haven't checked for a while or play Game Day for just 1 click to draw cards up to 10 because you got your Beach Party going.

Click 3 and 4 : Play another eco event just to Vamp them by click 4. But you could also wait for your next turn to do just that and instead play more econ or make more runs.

Power Nap : It is really playable, best case Scenario is +9 credits without the annoying extra click. I guess I average about 6 credits for it, which is great cause you can play it from 0 credits.

Try to drop faust as early as possible, because from that point on, even you are not forced to run or not planning to make any runs yet, you are threatening the corp which leads them to play cautiously (often icing up R&D just because they see Faust in shaper) and that's what you ultimately want them to do early on.

Anyhow, i will try this deck more , cause its so much Fun and actually really strong.

I think the deck is pretty final as it is, apart the Breaker suite. feel like that could be swapped for sth else, just not sure what.

Update: i now played 11 games on J-net and i am 10;1 with it.

It is so much fun. Blue Sun was scared of faust and decided to ice up R&D and kept playing its operation eco. But when i played in one turn some Lucky Finds and Power naps to get above their 35 credit mark, i dropped a vamp on them.

For you being on low credits its not a problem, you probably will be at around 15 or above 20 by next turn.

But you really want to see the corp clicking for credits and recover to drop another vamp later on. By then your economy is through the roof. I need to put it more through the NEH test grinder and see how its doing vs fast advance.

28 Oct 2015 fiveplus5is55

Update: i now played 10 games on J-net and i am 9;1 with it. It is so much fun. Blue Sun was scared of faust and decided to ice up R&D and kept playing its operation eco. But when i played in one turn some Lucky Finds and Power naps to get above their 35 credit mark, i dropped a vamp on them. For you being on low credits its not a problem, you will be probably by next turn on 15 again or above 20. But you really want to see the corp clicking for credits and recover to drop another vamp later on. By then your economy is through the roof. I need to put it more through the NEH test grinder and see how its doing vs fast advance.

28 Oct 2015 GrantZilla1979

I am really liking Comet here.

28 Oct 2015 fiveplus5is55

I lost a game again. This time i ran into a psychic field with 11 cards on my hand ^^. I also lost my last Levy and SoT during this madness.

But it was a stupid run because i knew he is playing psychic field and i was 3:0 ahead and had 30 credits to his 2 credits. At least i should have dropped the Sot before running...well anyhow i am now 14:2 with this deck.

i will do itinerary on how to play it soon, because certain aspects are very different here to normal Prepaid Kate.

This itinerary will also include not running at traps at will. I was running at a 4 advanced Junebug the game before but managed to shrug it off with Game Day a click later back to 10 hand size.

Maybe i got carried away a little there and now deserved that loss.

29 Oct 2015 SlayerCNV

Since you have 8 between programs and hardware (with 3x comet) would not be better to switch to Hayley Kaplan: Universal Scholar for install those resources faster?

29 Oct 2015 fiveplus5is55


that's a great question. When i designed this deck , i was really unhappy for the ID choices i got. Only Kate and Hayley came really in question, but both are not optimal. I decided for Kate then because she is always solid, and thought i could change it later as i just wanted to try this deck at first.

But the deck went so smooth that i havent thought of changing the ID.

Kate usually gives me about + - 8 credits discount every game plus the link which often gives me a few more . So many ice these days are Tracers and i usually let it fire cause I either want to keep my tokens on lady or especially want to restrict myself using Faust if not totally necessary.

SO in total i guess she saves me somewhere between 10-12 credits, not ideal at all but fine. Kate is the ETF for Runners. Ordinary solid.

Hayley makes on first sight a lot more sense though, but i fear that i actually can't use her abillity all too much. I do have 18 non events though, which could save me maybe 9-10 possible clicks. ( Sot, Lady and often Beachparty will mostly be the only cards installed again after Levy but i hardly install Adjusted and Starlight twice . So i might average 18-20 installs a game )

As i am playing most of the game with 10 handsize, i should be able to manage to dig out her ability from midgame onwards all the time. I guess that would average 6-7 saved clicks.

Also not ideal as a typical Hayley deck strives for more than that. Considering 1 click in this deck is 2 credits worth ( this deck hardly ever clicks for credits ) it would be 12 -14 saved credits. But i think this kind of calculation is going nowhere.

Just that i am super unhappy with any shaper ID for this deck. Nothing fits really. I prob will try out hayley with exact same deck and see how that is going, but prob won't make much difference.

Happy on any feedback though , if someone ever tries both versions. Otherwise we just wait for the perfect ID and this madness becomes even better.