Fun is a zero sum game 2 (Undefeated on Jnet)

Radiant 552

Ask anyone in my meta and they'll tell you that denial 419: Amoral Scammer has been my mainstay for basically my entire Netrunner career, much to everyone's pleasure I'm sure. One night while falling asleep I had a realization: Prognostic Q-Loop provides an extremely consistent means of triggering Corporate "Grant" on the Corp's turn, and Boomerang provides unlimited targets. Taking this idea and running with it, I went all-in on triggering Grant on both players' turns.

I decided on using meaningful hardware to draw with Masterwork (v37) (clicklessly via runs + during the Corp's turn with Q-Loop), early aggression (Flip Switch for jacking out of painful facechecks, Devil Charm to enable Aumakua at any strength, Boomerang cause it's stupid good), and consistent Grant triggers on the Corp's turn (Simulchip to trash a Rezeki and reinstall it, or swap out for an icebreaker you need). PAD Tap, Diversion of Funds, Hernando Cortez, and of course 419 complement this denial extremely well, with PAD Tap, Daily Casts, and Rezeki providing both economy and credit denial installs. This deck builds an engine that simultaneously makes money, draws cards, and drains the corp of money, and it is extremely effective.

It's not at all uncommon to drain the corp to 0, have them click for 3 credits, and then via your turn's install + a Q-Loop/Simulchip at the end of the Corp's turn, have them start their next turn at 1 credit. Once they finally get to 5 credits, you Diversion of Funds them; free accesses all day.

This deck is ridiculously effective at denial, probably the best it's been since rotation. Exactly one of you will have fun, and it won't be the Corp. Possible changes: I'd love to include another Q-Loop for even earlier setup, as well as Bravados for burst econ - running a stacked server and making 8+ credits while they can't afford to rez any of the ice? Feels amazing man

Thank you to all my meta-mates for putting up with me. I'll miss you all greatly in Barcelona :)

P.S. Ban currents they're stupid