Event: Make runs

x3r0h0ur 8956

With prepaids you can frequently make a credit just from playing a run event (1 prepaid voicepad and early bird is a subliminal messaging!). They make sure gamble and dirty laundry really good too, while not being integral to success. 15 run events plus same old thing should be more than enough to give a return on your ID choice.

Never project which way you're focusing because you don't run RDI or HQI, instead, the events dictate your focus.

Breakers are cheap to install and sufficiently efficient, and they work on remotes. Can't wait for this ID the more I think about it.

22 Apr 2014 skaterforsale

Why only one sentry breaker? With all those economy cards you should be able to afford Garrote.

22 Apr 2014 x3r0h0ur

Mostly, I don't think it's a power shutdown target, he has to run lean and fast, hence the low cost breakers. He's about getting in and getting multi access when possible, 7 is still tough to stomach, and its pretty slow to get out. Its already hard enough to find special order and natural draw it. That said, if I do feel rich, I'll consider it, I do like it in general.

24 Apr 2014 secretsecret

Call me crazy, but I would consider Wyldside in this...

24 Apr 2014 x3r0h0ur

Could be decent, but damn 3 influence would ruin your splashes. If you just give up on remotes and run central only breakers, you could get 2 wyldside and hope you see it early.

6 Jun 2014 w1kk

Isn't it too expensive to make your runs? The breakers cost a lot to pump, especially ninja, and you don't run that much money. Too many sentries would make running impossible to sustain. How do you deal with that?

6 Jun 2014 x3r0h0ur

Siphon, prepaid with DL and sure gamble, bank job, easy mark, and Armitage and I don't have enough money? This has plenty of money. Prepaid saves and makes you tons of cash in this deck!

Also, the key is not lots of runs, it's high impact runs, hence the multi access. Those breakers are fairly efficient, ninja was the standard killer not long ago. Also how many decks stack a lot of sentries? Not very many really. Also most don't etr so you can ignore them sometimes.

7 Jun 2014 w1kk

Sorry, didn't see the easy marks in there. It must my meta then, but I see lots of nasty sentries all the time, so that's a concern for me. Why run Doppelganger if your focus is on run quality over quantity? Isn't desperado better in that case? Or you want lots of runs in the beggining and then you just switch to sniping points?

7 Jun 2014 x3r0h0ur

I think mostly pressure bit after playing a bit, unless RP is a issue for you, desperado is a bit better.