All similarities with stream deck coincidental. (RAM 2024)

eden_online 69

Lots of busted stuff in the cardpool to get excited about. I tried making Skorp but couldn't make the ice work, then attempted a CtM build, but I saw the Heinlein Grid+Pulse combo with Estelle Moon as a must-run asset and knew I had to try it. Little did I know they were building a very similar thing on stream (until I remembered that I had to put currents in last-minute).

No good recursion really hurts. Simreset maybe would have been good here but you've got a lot of things in HQ you want to keep there. 1x hypoxia 1x DT was correct. I'd have liked more HHN. Double Scorch was maybe a mistake - the entire point of this deck is to core then kill, and the extra tax from more base copies of HHN would have been really good. Another Kill Switch would have been an obvious choice because the deck is completely destroyed by Employee Strike.

Working Prototype is sick as hell it should have been 3x, the ice other than Pulse didn't end up mattering so I could have probably just put assets to 3x.

Corporate Hospitality really sucks but it's the only way I was getting HHN back so it's 3x.

Money was remarkably scarce despite all the busted econ assets. Several trace wars to win with No One Home in the format.