Rimes with Alliance - 69th (nice) @ Worlds 2023

wowarlok 1177

This is the deck @ALFlexand I played at Worlds this year. I personally finished with a score of 7-2, reaching 69th (nice) place.

Story time: Last year a few italian players banded together to test and prepare for the international portion of the competitive season. During that period, we didn't reach outstanding results, but we improved significantly and we managed to set up a process for future endeavors.
Since then many of our strongest players joined other more international and successful testing groups and, while I'm always very proud of al of the great placements they got, this left me and ALFlex to fend for ourself this time around.
We decided to split the jobs and, while I worked on our runner, ALFlex started scouring the meta for the best corp to play. In the end, despite me being almost set on playing some kind of panic PD, he convinced me to try out this amazing 6mari list, which turned out to be an amazing meta call, losing only 2 games, to a combination of sub-par draw and piloting errors.

The list is almost a carbon copy of the one RotomAppliance played at intercontinental with the following changes: -1 Magnet, -1 Border Control, -1 Enigma, +2 Brân 1.0 and +1 Rime (from which the name of the deck stems from).
The changes are very straight forward: we figured the deck was already made to make money and rez huge ice and Brân is so expensive it was a no-brainer include. Rime is also very well placed in the meta for a glacier ice, stuffing cards like Tsakhia "Bankhar" Gantulga and Hippo aw well as being annoying for all the expensive-to-boost breakers running around. Absolute highlight for it was dealing a net damage to the runner because of Bankhar and then stopping their run by pushing Brân's strength 1 over their Begemot.

A huge thank you to:

  • My teammate for tweaking the list and convincing me to play it!
  • All the organisers, judges, volunteers.
  • The italian comunity. Y'all are always a blast to be with! See you at Nats.
  • Everyone I had the pleasure to play and chat with. I'm usually quite shy, but big events like this always help me fight it.

P.S. if you're looking for an ok-ish player to bolster your testing group, hit me up! I'm on a personal quest to become the best player I can be and meeting as many cool people as possible in the process.

20 Oct 2023 ALFlex

Congrats to your 69th (nice) position. You always manage to do good tournaments and I'm proud of you and of being able to cooperate with you.

Thanks for the support! See you at NATS!

20 Oct 2023 Girometics

I am one place above you, but you have by far the better placement. Good job!

22 Oct 2023 mr_pelle

Rime everywhere this year! Glad I'm part of this trend ^_^