Death by a Thousand Cachamals

M4n0 69

Hi all!

This is our new Weyland deck: Fast and mean.

It's centered in Weyland Consortium: Builder of Nations as an ID, to force the Runner into a thousand cuts style deck, but with meat damage.

Let's discuss the different choices one by one:


The Cleaners is the main target to score here, since it doubles our ability to dish constant pings of damage. Hades Fragment is to have some minor recursion, and Project Atlas is an excellent 3/2.


Breached Dome is where half the influence is spent, and for a good reason. It protects R&D, activates Wake Up Call (more on this card later), and haunts Archives once is trashed. Reconstruction Contract is one of the heavy-lifters of the deck, helping to Fast Advance a 5/3 or a overscored Atlas.


Prisec helps with the meat damage pings, and it also works to enable the flatline win condition with a tag.


Here resides the main power of the deck. BOOM! is one of the win conditions, if the Runner can't shake all the tags. It also activates Wake Up Call if trashed, which is nice. Consulting Visit helps us to pull BOOM! or Punitive from the deck, to always have them available in the perfect moment. Dedication Ceremony works incredibly well with Reconstruction Contract, but is not restricted to that card. Sometimes works with ICE too. Hedge Fund, IPO and Mass Commercialization are the econ of the deck. Media Blitz is where the other half of the influence is spent, and it also helps a ton. It can activate The Cleaners or the Hades Fragment, so is really powerful here. Preemptive Action is mostly to shuffle back the Reconstruction Contracts, but it can also recover econ. Priority Construction helps to activate the ID and create a good scoring server. Punitive Counterstrike is another win condition: a great play is, if the Runner steals The Cleaners, you can Consult Media Blitz to copy it and Punitive for 4 meat damage, or play Media Blitz and Consult for Punitive. Good times. Finally, Wake Up Call can create scoring windows, especially with The Cleaners active.


Is hard to use Barriers nowadays, since Paperclip is so cost effective. However, the "free" rez of Asteroid Belt and the potentially infinite strength of both Ice and Fire Wall, accompanied with the ID effect, produces the tax we want to make.

For the Code Gates, Wormhole helps with the ID and as a surprise ETR, Hortum is for the necessary AI hate mostly, and Mausolus is harsh to facecheck.

Colossus is too costly for the deck, so you only have one to force the Runner to install a Killer.

Final Thoughts

This is a fun deck, you should try it out. The multitude of win conditions make it hard to stop once the gears start spinning. Thanks for reading!

14 Mar 2018 Gswp

Hey, I tried this and it worked surprisingly well (surprised me, I mean). And it was really fun to play! I'm looking forward to playing again. The Dedication Ceremony --> Reconstruction Contract combo works very well.

I just wonder if the Boom! is worth it without HHN -- I just don't see sticking two tags without it. And to just keep it so they can trash it to activate Wake-Up call seems like a waste of card slot. (I started one game with a Consulting Visit and Boom! in hand, and the runner went down to one credit after a run, so I played Consulting Visit to search for HHN, just to find that there was in fact no HHN in the deck! :D I forgot that. Luckily my opponent let me rewind. )

14 Mar 2018 M4n0

Hey! Glad you enjoyed, it really means a lot to us that someone decks our project. My partner even talked me about the BOOM!, so we were already thinking about swapping it. Can I ask you, what did you miss? Our bet is to get a second preemptive or a second IPO instead of the Boom, what do you think?

15 Mar 2018 Gswp

I played this is in a casual setting, mind you (I'm not much of a tournament player). I think getting a 2nd Preemptive Action, Consulting Visit, Wake Up Call or a 3rd Mass Commercialisation all seem good. For now I've put the 2nd Consulting Visit in, but I think the other options are all worth testing.

15 Mar 2018 M4n0

Thank you so much for your comments. Actually our local meta is very small (4 or 5 players), so we are talking about the same player level. We really appreciate your suggestions, and will certainly try them in next iterations of the deck.