L.A. Devotee

Eskimo Sniper 10

What we have here is an Apocalypse deck out of a Criminal looking to be as reckless as possible.

Obvious Temüjin Contract and run events are obvious.

The main problem I had through testing was card draw, so I packed as much as I could. Exclusive Party is there to make money for when you have to click for cards. Sports Hopper is my soft counter to damage stuff. Probably should have a Plascrete Carapace though.

Employee Strike is the current of choice just because it ruins so many plans and tempos.

Doppelgänger is there to both make Temüjin Contract a little better and to help on the Apocalypse turn as well.

Eater is the main breaker and 70% of the time the only breaker you need. It also means that Apocalypse doesn't kill as many installed cards on your side.

You really need Levy AR Lab Access since you burn cards hard and fast. I pack 2 just in case one gets removed somehow. You could remove one and get another Apocalypse, but 1 should be more than enough to win typically. And it recurs with Levy AR Lab Access anyways. The only concern would be finding it Apocalypse, but its still very possible to disrupt the corp without it.

Other then that, its the usual Criminal nonsense.

Is this gonna catch the world by storm? Probably not. But it is fun and very fast paced. Its main problem are Boom! match-ups since you're playing right into their hands with tags from Account Siphon, Midseason and Hard-Hitting News.

Not a great meta call right now, but perfect for the speed freak in you.