IcySynapse 1

This is my first attempt at a NBN kill deck. Any and all feedback will be greatly appreciated!

18 Nov 2015 IcySynapse

My first attempt at a NBN kill deck. Any suggestions or feedback will be much appreciated!

19 Nov 2015 rumirumirumirumi

Chimera is probably not the best choice in this deck because while it's going to be able to keep the runner out in the early game, you're also going to be losing credits each time. Since you have Cyber Exodus, I'd recommend putting in Pop-up window. It's a really good early game ice that won't keep them out of your servers but will give you money and slowly tax them.

You probably only need 1 All-Seeing Eye. I'd also recommend putting in Astroscript Pilot Program because it's a very powerful agenda and successful kill decks will pair a flatline method with a scoring strategy like fast advance.

19 Nov 2015 Corence

You have too much tag punishment and not enough ways of landing tags. Hunter and Data Raven are predictable sources of tags -- if the runner doesn't want to end their turn tagged, they can always avoid it. Your only chance is 24/7 News Cycle with Breaking News, and that will only last for a turn until the runner clears their tags.

I'd suggest going down to 1 Closed Accounts and 0 All-Seeing I. Otherwise you're going to be stuck with a bunch of tag punishment cards in your hand but nothing to tag with. When you're playing tag-n-bag, you should be trying to kill when you finally stick a tag. You could add 1x or 2x SEA Source for a way of landing a tag on your turn. SEA Source + Scorch + Scorch is a classic Netrunner combo as long as you have the money for it, but I'm not sure this deck has enough money to land the trace. Lily also feels a bit questionable to me since you probably won't have tags to spare to use her ability.

You can go up to 44 cards before you need to include more agendas. Most corp decks will go to minimum size+4 since it reduces the agenda density of your deck. This is especially good for a kill deck. I'd probably use most of the slots on ICE (Pop-Up is a great, as mentioned. Archangel is also extremely strong). I'd also consider News Team -- it's a very strong ambush.