Kutlery Kate

FruitPebble 1

The purpose of the deck is to use cutlery events to kill expensive or annoying ice that might be stopping us from making lots of runs profitably.

Tinkering works with any of the cutlery events. I might consider going to 2 Knifed just because of how much more efficient lady is at breaking subs for us than any of our other breakers. Also, because that resource is sort of limited. I am testing with 3 Forked because of how good a catch-almost-all Deus X and Sharpshooter are, but not permanent. Between those and Mimic and Gingerbread, we break literally every sentry in the game except Susanoo-No-Mikoto, which we can Tinkering on if things get really bad.

We can't play Femme Fatale or anything because our economy isn't the strongest (Pretty much relying on Magnum Opus that we can install for cheap with Modded)

MU Thoughts/Theory: Against NEH we have some easy access to cheap breakers, and the MO economy for killing off all their drip economy. They load up marked accounts, you can just go take 6 run it and trash. To improve this MU, we might want to figure out one of the ice trashing events to drop, play a Legwork and potentially more card draw.

Against RP, we have access to trashing some of the ice protecting the centrals to make that part of the game less difficult. I could see it being pretty hard to get around a Lotus Field on a scoring remote, unless we have Tinkering ready to fire off. Excalibur also causes us some issues, but I don't know if the economy is strong enough to run out Atman for 2 in this deck. We can always Tinkering it and trash it though.

Against Blue Sun, the plan is to handle all of their non Curtain Wall/Hadrian's Wall ice by trashing it. Because we aren't running a ton of economy cards to break through some of this stuff the first time to get the trash, it might be hard to get around these big barriers. This is a definite downside to this deck versus PPVP kate with Lucky Find or Day Job. If we see I lot of Blue Sun, I might switch to 2/2 on the ice trashing events, but we also need a ton of money to run and hit those expensive ice.