Well this is just ridiculous.

ShadowHugger 7

All of the most expensive things combined with Eureka, Test Run, and Windfall. This set is honestly just stupid even with all of the most expensive breakers and 3x Monolith the expected outcome of windfall is just over 5 credits just a little better than a Sure Gamble. But honestly the chance that I could get an 18 credit swing is just hilarious!

The Toolbox is for a console that can actually be used because honestly when are you going to install a Monolith without a Eureka!. Sports hopper is basically a Plascrete combined with a Diesel all the while not reducing the odds for Eureka! and Windfall.

Kati Jones gives huge injections of cash while Magnum Opus is for a steady streams. Same old thing lets you use events again and can also be installed by Eureka (unfortunately it does nothing for Windfall since it costs 0).

I am thinking of using Making an Entrance with Eureka! so i can get that cheeky Monolith install. This deck can definitely be optimized much better. And maybe has some potential to actually be usable =P.

Overall though this deck is just a desperate scramble to make a useless card (Windfall) usable. Maybe I should just accept the truth, Maybe.

22 Jun 2016 Barbrarian

If you are living the Windfall dream, l suggest finding space for a Trope. When you think your deck has about 3 turns left, install Trope, draw it out, Trope three Monoliths into your stack and Windfall three times for 54 credits.

22 Jun 2016 Elodius

tested this deck. 5/7 windfalls we're Same Old Things...

22 Jun 2016 ejg5124

Can't wait to test this out, Eureka! seems very fun. I cut an Alpha and an Omega (due to all the anti-AI ice running about) and 1 Windfall and 1 Monolith for 1 Levy AR Lab Access and 3 Scavenge, as they can help us out when we get a bunch of Test Runs, and they'll be alright with the 3 Same Old Thing in the deck. Might mean cutting a Beckman or 2, but that seems ok. Will test it out more.

23 Jun 2016 ShadowHugger

@BarbrarianGreat idea i might try it out.

@ejg5124The problem with actually using useful cards is it makes the odds for windfall so pitiful.