Anansi Sports?!?

wiriamu 117

I’m not going to Worlds so I’m publishing in case anyone is still hunting for ideas.

I’ve been iterating on Sports and Apoc Wu since BigUnit won the Delaware online CO (our local meta) with them. Of course, Cahuita won American Continentals with the deck as well.

In honor of lostgeek, I’ll state two premises: 1. Ice is bad because of Boat 2. traditional sports needs one extra thing to score out

At first, I was focusing on defensive upgrades with a Skunky Sports deck and a Border Control to get a secure server long enough to score one agenda, possibly with a seamless launch.

But I still needed something in front of the upgrades to tax the runs just enough, and the medium-priced traditional sports ice felt bad to use. Too expensive and too predictable.

So I’ve gone in two different extremes, mostly the cheapest taxing ice or all the way to biggest, grossest ice: Anansi.

Specifically I’m talking a remote server with either Manegarm or Giordano as defensive upgrade plus Anansi and an ice protecting it—how about Rime for Hippo protection, since it’s kinda hard to break and gross to spend Boat counters or Hippos on?

Throw in a Wave to help you find it early.

Macrophage can be taxing in the right situation, especially as a replacement for Ark Lockdown to deal with Clot, etc.

Put the other main defensive upgrade on R&D to deal with Stargate and hope they don’t have Pinhole Threading. Pinhole isn’t as threatening in our remote because we have so much else to jam in there, including Tranquility but also our Mavirus.

The deck actually works pretty well. It shakes up the lines and the game states, and you never feel totally out of options.

Your thoughts/questions are appreciated!

4 Oct 2022 Pro man

Great idea

6 Oct 2022 wiriamu

Thanks! You can see it in action in the new Metropole Grid video where Andre is piloting Reavershop Wu. It’s the Sports matchup.