Thinking of a Brick Wall

paulxthompson 240

"You're not thinking of atomic energy, you're thinking of ... a brick wall!"

A brick wall... a brick wall... I must think of a brick wall... a brick wall... I must think of a brick wall... a brick wall... brick wall... I must think of a brick wall... It's almost half past eight... brick wall... only a few seconds more... brick wall... brick wall... brick wall... nearly over... a brick wall...

So I guess the idea is to be mostly about barriers and trashing the barrier breakers with Will-o'-the-Wisp and Aggressive Secretary. Couple of Sentries and Code gates in there just to make the runner install those cards and hopefully Swordsman and Wraparound to stop an over reliance on AI. Maybe I need more of those :-)

Superior Cyberwalls is cheap, so i'm thinking about growing them in the open alongside my refinaries and Aggressive Secretary, with bonus Punitive Counterstrike to discourage accesses, but that very much depends on how the cards arrive.

I honestly don't know why Blue Sun: Powering the Future at this point, but assume that its ability will allow me to throw parasites and knights, while Architect puts new ice in place...

Anyway, we'll see how it goes lots of cards i've never used before here so thoughts always welcome :-)

28 Oct 2014 Ravlin

First thoughts: (Keep in mind I am not usually a Weyland player)

If you are looking at codegates and sentries to just force a breaker find you might want to look at dropping IQ and Swordsman in favor of Enigma and Guard. While those can be parasited away I find they are often just fine at getting a breaker and nets you three influence.

I think that if you are going the punitive route that most often you will need to double strike them to win, so the cleaners won't actually help all that much. If you replace those with government contracts that gives you a bigger upside (and more money to fuel those strikes)

I am curious about wraparound, it is basically the same as icewall but costs influence and one extra credit. If you cut those for Wall of Static or Bastion that saves you two more influence.

With 5 influence to play with I would look at at least one more Lotus Field since they are just stupid good. With four left perhaps a couple of Snare!s would be in order. They protect your deck and hand, and if you put one down as bait if it fails you can rez it and then blue sun it back into your hand and see if the runner wants to run there anymore!

Also I think advancing ice in blue sun is a non-bo since you want to be bouncing your ice. Replace those with Oversight AI and that combo with Hadrians (and curtain wall if you find space for one or two) to give you your initial nest egg of cash.