Tighten the Noose

Pikeman 291

The goal of this deck is to hang a noose from the white tree, then let the runner put their own neck in it, and finally, pull the lever for a short drop and a quick stop. Scoring agendas to win is your absolute last resort, and should only really be done to entice the runner to actually run—with the one exception of your first Labyrinthine Servers. So, how does this work?

Your objective is to set up the trap, and then spring it only when you know it can flatline the runner. To set up the trap, pick a central server, probably R&D, and start setting up shop. You must have at least Cell Portal in play, and you must have a way to prevent them from jacking out for the course of the run, either via Labyrinthine Servers or Whirlpool. Additionally, you'll need a Minelayer in front of the CP to make things practical. Finally, strongly recommended to make things much easier, is (ideally) two Errand Boys, with preferably at least one in play, the other can be in your hand. Alternatively if you have Akitaro Watanabe, 1 EB on the server is probably enough. RSVP is also extremely helpful if they can't or don't break it, unless you have massively more credits than your opponent or you're sure they can't break CP and enough of the other subroutines you need to resolve.

Before you spring the trap, you might have to tank for a bit to make sure it's really going to work, because you're probably only going to get one shot at it. But, the theory goes like this:

  • Runner initiates a run.
  • Runner can't jack out (via Whirlpool or Labyrinthine Servers).
  • If the runner wasn't running on the server you wanted them to, use Bullfrog to get them there. If they've resolved RSVP's sub (see below), they can't avoid it without some specialized breakers.
  • Runner has hopefully hit RSVP (ideally rezzed during the run) at some point early-ish on in the run, and can't spend credits for the rest of the run, making many breakers unusable and the rest of the run a complete nightmare.
  • Now the fun/terror really begins (depending on whose perspective you're looking at it from). Runner hits some combination of Minelayer/Errand Boy (order doesn't matter much, but ideally EB first). Errand Boy should be used to draw cards if you don't have a second EB handy, otherwise feel free to grab credits. Minelayer should drop a second EB if it's not already in play.
  • Runner hits Cell Portal, which you rez. If they can break CP, your trap has failed and you've probably just lost the game. Pay more attention next time.
  • When two EBs are in play, you take 5 credits (enough to rez CP again) and 1 card, or more cards if AW is present. If you have one EB and Akitaro, and are still hunting for your second EB, you'll want to take cards instead, to try and get that second EB up via Minelayer ASAP. Once two EBs are up, a RSVP'd runner who can't break CP is dead. One that's not RSVP'd might be dead, depending on the credit pools/setup.
  • Eventually you'll draw Pup, which you'll drop into the endless loop with Minelayer. This, of course, will ultimately tear any runner to shreds without infinite net damage reduction (if that's even possible). Death by one of the weakest pieces of ice is such sweet sorrow.
  • Enjoy the fact that you just pulled off a nearly impossible combo.


  • A NRE/TPT/Dino'd Yog makes things nearly impossible to pull off (as it shuts down Minelayer).
  • Film Critic is annoying.
  • You'll probably lose before you ever get all of this set up.

So yes, I don't expect this to ever work reliably or even infrequently. But when it does work, it will be amazing.

P.S. - Deck was built using only 1 Core Set as I hate decks that require more.