Hyperzontal v0.2

ODie 726

Alix T4LBO7 + Shipment from Mirrormorph makes a pot of money, and accelerates the horizontal nature of the deck, setting up Shell Games even faster. Shipment from Kaguya continues the shell game theme by spreading advancement tokens across multiple potential Agenda &/or advanceable Ambushes, presenting the Runner with difficult choices. Trick of Light means 'wasted' Ambush advancement actions can be recovered. Celebrity Gift and Hedge Fund could go up, but with Alix, PAD, Private Contracts (Siphon sink!) and Server Diagnostics money often isn't an issue. Don't bank on your Ice to stop the Runner though.

For a more detailed discussion of the Hyperzontal combo and deck performance, see my blog post here: http://daman-asha.livejournal.com/29747.html

12 Dec 2013 Kable

IMHO, PrioReq is a waste in this deck. It's risky, it's a painful steal, and the only ice you really need to rez with it is Wall of Thorns, but the single copy does not justify the enormous risk of 3 Priority Requisitions.

12 Dec 2013 AsteriskCGY

I think you also want RP.

25 Dec 2013 ODie

Priority Requisition is there because I need 3-or Agenda to give me back card slots, and Executive Retreat seems to a) be very unlucky for me, & b) scoring the latter disrupts any combination or hand building (e.g. multiple Neural EMPs) you've done up 'til then. The 3-other score - if you accept the optimism of getting it done - also puts you in a much better position of achieving match point and pressuring the Runner into making unwise runs, after which you can better get the flatline.

Replicating Perfection isn't a kill deck, I feel, as it doesn't have enough damage-dealing capacity. It works much better as a 'lock' deck that prevents the Runner from being able to steal Agenda by denying runs.