Kit-chen Club

obscurica 1317

First we had as simple a Kit as possible. Now let's get spicy. Spooned is a natural inclusion for her, but it's hard to get a full set given that post-rotation Shaper has no fracters nearly as decent as Paperclip, and why run Kit if you're just going to eat a Vanilla on the second layer and get hard-stopped? Triple Same Old Things solves that, of course. If you can Spoon once, you can spoon a few more times to get rid of the most ornery multisub ice.

If we're going that route, though, we can't use Tapwrm, which eats into the econ significantly. The best option at no influence would be Magnum Opus, which means going Gordian Blade for the decoder. That does mean we're effectively giving up our manipulation of corp ice in return for ice destruction -- based on the local meta, that might be overall more powerful.

Finally: ice destruction is inherently at odds with Daredevil. Rather, going with Maya means combining with Equivocation for deeper digs, giving you the potential equivalent of a The Maker's Eye every run at cost of having to save a click to shake a tag. Moreso if you can dig out The Turning Wheel.