Endless Twerk - 1st Place - Marburg Store Championship

krystman 2849

A variant of the Endless Waltz deck by @Cerberus. It's Leela Patel that likes to run.

Money up with Desperado and Security Testing. If corp ices up and doesn't play naked remotes, you can still survive thanks to Kati Jones and Legwork.

The breaker suite is vanilla Criminal. Cerberus "Rex" H2 for Code Gates on remotes, Passport for centrals. Mimic for most Sentries. Faerie for high-strength Sentries (and as general early run protection). Femme Fatale as solution for difficult ice.

Has plenty of HQ and R&D pressure with 3x Legwork and 3x R&D Interface.

My tweaks were replacing Plascrete Carapace with Crash Space so I can get more out of Account Siphon. I also put in John Masanori for the card draw the deck needed - it goes well with Crash Space anyway. I removed Garrote since high strength sentries were rare in my meta and Faerie was enough to deal with them.

The deck won the Marburg Store Championship (Germany). It was a very small store championship with just 8 people. It lost once in 4 turns.

The deck also took 3rd place in Krefeld Store Championship (Germany). That tournament had 14 players. The deck lost twice in 4 turns.

In both championships Order and Chaos wasn't legal yet.