Argus -flatline

cammy 7

So I built this deck with the idea of a flat line deck and it has worked quite well so far. The Cleaners and also the dedicated response team really make the runner hesitant to run at all!. Also the data raven and universal connectivity fee combo is quite nice for keeping the runner poor or honest.

however i feel it is a bit economy light and also I have been agenda flooded in my hand on a few occasions with nothing i can do to shift them.

Any help on how and where I can focus this deck would be great (without compromising on what it is trying to do) and no - blue sun would be better etc. I want to make this work!

13 Apr 2015 esutter479

@cammy - The Argus I posted just before you put yours up has been in testing for a while now, and with the current build, I have little to no trouble getting rich. :) Errand Boy is suprisingly helpful in the early game, acting as either a mini Panic Button or a beefy Pop-Up Window. Put one on a server you don't think the runner can possibly resist, and you can easily be in Restructure range on turn 2.

The combo of Paywall Implementation and Subliminal Messaging is also something that can't be ignored. When the runner sees you making money and KNOWS for sure that you have a Midseason or SEA coming eventually...or wishes to avoid that Data Raven sub...their tempo might just start changing and you might just have a scoring window in your future. Housekeeping is a really cool current, but the returns on it are paltry, IMO, compared to Paywall.

13 Apr 2015 cammy

hmm i might need to get that combo looks good. I do like housekeeping but i think playing my game would be better than a denial card. I do like interns as well just dont know where to make the cuts to fit them in