ICE You Say?

FarCryFromHuman 113

Disclaimer: Untested

A caissa-focused deck that forces the corp to choose between rezzing ice for absurd costs or letting the runner through.

If ice is rezzed, anything low strength can be nuked with Bishop and Parasite, helped with Ice Carver during a run if necessary. If ice is too big, it can be killed with Forged Activation Orders while unrezzed or stepped past with Femme Fatale. Eater is the last resort, and is there to let you snipe from remotes or stick critical run events.

Econ might be shaky, and I'm tempted to run Retrieval Run to make Femme and Eater recursive and/or free. For now, econ is almost entirely run based. I'd like to work a bit more draw into the deck, but with Professional Contacts this may not be necessary.

This deck is meant to be constructed with as few sets as possible, but this is more a consideration than a constraint.


12 Jul 2015 Riley

Where's the economy?