The Downstalk Saints V0.1

Cancer Ace 156

This is a deck in progress, possibly not any good, but feedback is welcome.

Use Investigative Journalism to stack the Bad Publicity up and keep their hand down with Itinerant Protesters. Blackmail run to snipe agendas out of remotes or access what's left in their hand and Imp away what's left. If things get rezzed, use Parasite and Datasucker to kill it or Emergency Shutdown to get back in with Blackmail again.

NACH keeps you safe, as can Steelskin, or draw you cards if Wyldside and Vigil aren't enough. Salvager and Aesop's can make you credits or cards out of things that aren't helping you any longer.

Eater gets you in for Shutdowns and installs the 3 Shards for free (though the use of all three might not be necessary) which monopolize on the smaller hand by making them have to draw when their hand is already full, discard to an even smaller hand, and accessing archives.

Deja Vu and Same Old Thing get back what you need, as is Levy AR Lab Access in a long game. Frame Job is for that desperate game where your opponent somehow gets rid of their first Bad Publicity.

Record Reconstructor is probably a bad card, but hypothetically it might work. If their hand is small kept down by Itinerant Protesters, force them to draw into the exact card they don't want at the beginning of their turn, so they'll either have to spend clicks to draw or stall out.

24 Jan 2015 Finnbarre

Unique take and I like it. Two things worry me though, economy and lack of tutors for those eaters. Also may consider Keyhole. Works great with eater.

24 Jan 2015 Cancer Ace

I was thinking about the econ as well, but I'm not sure what cards to take out and what econ to put in. Hedge Fund always seems good but maybe ProCo or Daily Casts...