Mushin'o'win 3.0

Dirty Dan 108

This is an updated version of my previous mushin'o win deck that I posted previously.

The deck plays as risky as possible for both players. with my personal favorite play being first turn mushin + advacne to throw the runner completely off his/her first turn (unless my opponent is a criminal).

Of course the normal response from stander by's is "oh man just run centrals" and I guess thats what I like to hear as that first turn mushin is usually a mandatory upgrades which throws the game into my favor.

The ice I run is predominantly NEXT as they are relatively cheap and gain effectiveness over the course of the game. I use the corporate trouble shooters to secure next gold, and I'm running some ice that would be generally expensive for this deck if it wasn't for the eve campaigns.

Excalibur is A great splash as It can stop additional runs on that mushin'd card. I usually feel its best put on HQ early game and if another copy is drawn or a mandatory upgrade scored early, put on R&D to stop continuous runs.

The deck suffers to account siphon, and Anarch ice destruction.

I had issues with stealth decks getting in to servers fairly easily, so I've included the Toll Booth's to help with that situation

I plan on testing / altering this build up until regionals starts and hopefully ironing out any inconsistency's.