Tech Startup Glacier

Lttlefoot 1286

You don't need to worry about Clot in this deck. Just install your agendas without advancing them, then score them next turn. Astroscript allows NAPD to be scored without being advanced. If the runner does decide to pay their way through a massive wall of ice just to check out an unadvanced card, they might be a bit disappointed to find out it's only a melange or a tech startup. Note that if you search for a melange with a tech startup at the start of your turn, you will be able to use that melange immediately (as long as you have 1 credit to flip it up).

10 Apr 2015 FarCryFromHuman

Maybe use your extra influence to swap a Private Contracts or a Marked Accounts for an Adonis Campaign or an Eve Campaign?

10 Apr 2015 Bigguyforyou518

Adonis Campaign and Eve Campaign are anti-synergistic with Tech Startup. He's already doing it right :)

10 Apr 2015 FarCryFromHuman

Ah, because you miss the first trigger on the asset when you swap the Tech Startup out. I hadn't considered that.