Esablade (Less Good Edition)

Legality (show more)
Deck valid after Sixth Rotation
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Repartition by Cost
Repartition by Strength
Derived from
Live Fast, Die Young
Inspiration for
All Gas, No Clutch
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wigglestick 46

This deck is a still-evolving version of Diogene's Esablade deck. Diogene's writeup explains the deck pretty well, but my quick summary of this version is:

You want to be as fast and aggressive as possible. It takes time to get breakers and money to power them, so we run breakerless and just force our way through with Tsakhia "Bankhar" Gantulga, Botulus, and sabotaging ice away before it gets installed. As such, the deck doesn't need a huge amount of money to fuel it, so you can spend more time and cards on constant pressure. Mulligan for Marrow, Ghosttongue, or Bankhar. Try to stack sabotage effects as mush as possible to make the corp's decisions more difficult. The deck can start struggling if the sabotaging hasn't been effective enough and the corp is able to properly ice all of their servers.

Notable cards and interactions:

  • Lewi Guilherme is a mostly "fun" include I made more recently just to play with some standard cards before they rotate, though reducing the corp's hand size does limit their ability to control/mitigate sabotage.
  • I think Time Bomb is quite good here, especially when you can set yourself up to take a core damage and make a Chastushka run the same turn the Time Bomb goes off. Sabotage 9 in one turn is a lot for the corp to have to deal with.
  • Bahia Bands is really fun to run with Time Bomb - use Bahia Bands to run a central server, draw 2/remove a tag/gain 4c for trashing, then install the Time Bomb for free.
  • Make a run with Raindrops Cut Stone, use Bankhar to force your way through the ice, and use AirbladeX (JSRF Ed.) to prevent the damage. Airblade only prevents the damage, not the subroutine from firing, so the subs all still add power counters to Raindrops.
  • S-Dobrado is an excellent card to have in your back pocket for the late game. The corp is bound to ice up archives against Esa, though rarely more than twice. They will think their sabotaged agendas are safe until you simply hop your way in.
  • Did you know that Marrow sabotages 1 when the corp scores an agenda?! (I always forget about this...)

Changes to consider:

  • Lewi is a ton of influence and his overall effect on the game is suspect, so he's the easiest first cut. It should be replaced with a second S-Dobrado and some combination of Boomerang, Slap Vandal, and more copies of Bahia Bands. This would help with the lockout problem mentioned above.
  • Valentina Ferreira Carvalho is mostly there to keep Bankhar safe though I'm unsure if it's worth keeping.