HQLock Sable

.dan._ 22

A Sable Deep Dive list with more mid game pressure.

Goal is to keep the pressure up on the corp before big late game Deep Dives.

Muligan for card draw or drip economy in the form of Earthrise Hotel, Prepaid VoicePAD, Info Bounty, or Zenit Chip JZ-2MJ. You will need some kind of economy asset to deal with all the click-drawing we will need to do to find our economy events.

After initial set-up you need to find Tunnel Vision. Our mid game goal is to run our mark every turn to get random accesses for cheap. These random accesses get significantly better when we have Virtuoso and Docklands Pass in play. This adds two HQ accesses to every single central run, making sure that the corp keeps sweating.

During this process we will be clicking, drawing, and trying to make enough money to pay for our real ice-breakers (which you can install over thetop of tunnel vision once you get all three). With the full suite out and enough money, we slam into all three servers and land a big deep dive to finish off the game after picking up a few random points here and there.

This deck is very week to a corp that can keep their agendas in remote servers. We likely have to draw through a lot of the deck before getting all the icebreakers out, making remote access tough. We have some of the usual criminal tricks to weasel our way in to a lightly protected remote though so your best bet might be to not give them a reason to over-ice it.