What is "Open Forum"?

pouchsurfer 347

If you enjoy scoring cards from the top of your deck and magical Christmas land, play this deck.

Posting this deck I've been playing for the past week, since wowarlock recently took a similar deck to the top of Italian CoS (congrats!).

Some of the things you can look forward to by playing this deck:

  • starting your turn with 4 credits, no board, and Holo Man installed on R&D. Rolling the dice with Epiphany for a surprise Stoke the Embers. Jackpot.
  • scoring out by never-advancing 2 agendas, a 5/3 Beale and a7/4 Beale. Vanity never left our hearts and minds.
  • getting flooded, Open Foruming an agenda on top of the deck, and scoring it on a Holo Man + Epiphany counter.

Have fun!