Trading Places - 5 Point Eternal Clearinghouse

coda 11


General gameplan is to decently ICE your centrals then build a big server. Put MCA in, click it twice. then the next turn you can click it, sac it, install Clearinghouse, advance it with the MM click, and advance it for 4 more if you can. Pop it to kill them next turn if they’ve Stimhacked, or install ICE and VLC for more Anoetic Void activations otherwise. Anoetic Void usually lets you stop 2 runs in one turn and they probably won't have the money to run it a third time. If you got this far but they still did, scoring out might be still viable, you have a good amount of Agenda-hiding capability, and an Agenda every 2 turns might be fast enough to eke out a win. Definitely not the ideal.

The Mirrormorph ruling about Terminal operations is currently out of date, you can't actually cheat them. I'm disappointed too.

The safest place for your Agendas is in your score area. It's not unviable to score out one if the runner stumbles, and worst case they steal it after spending 10+ credits on your server, then a click+2cred or sometimes not getting the points until its too late.