49 card pick-up

x3r0h0ur 8956

This is a noise deck that is an evolution of a very common Noise-Cache mill attack style. This one focuses on making the corp lose cards from HQ, implicitly making HQ juicier.

HM is a fairly solid add in all anarch decks right now, and in Noise it adds a measure of HQ pressure, as well as amping up archives pressure. Hemorrhage exacerbates this by rewarding you for doing what you want to be doing, and forcing the corp to discard padding cards to protect agendas against HA. Wanton destruction is the final piece of the puzzle, wiping out combo cards and just blasting HQ away. In all, the added HQ pressure helps spread the already thin ice from the other servers.

Medium is your standard RnD pressure, with Imps to help amp it up, and Noises ability as well.

Inject and AC+Wyldside give you draw power to find what you need, enable tons of mills (fueled by Feeder and cache econ. You should be doing a full CF install per turn with AC out.

The real breaker package gives you legs to run, with crypsis backed by datasuckers making runs very do-able, and allowing for remote control.

Djinn allows you to have persistent virus threats on board, not just to aesops them. He also allows you to grab the right virus for pressure, and hosts d4v1d.

Overall the standard mill attack plus aggression makes for a real nightmare Noise. I piloted a similar version at worlds going 5-2, not losing to hub or BS. This should have good matchups vs everything, with HB being the worst, followed by RP rush.

1 May 2015 UminWolf

In an ideal situation (obviously whatever the situation dictates is more important), are you using CC Cache or Parasite? I'm guessing Cache, and you're preferring to use Déjà Vu for Parasite, but I could be totally wrong on this thought process.

1 May 2015 x3r0h0ur

Honestly, it has been about even. When I had stimhack in the deck, I would have answered whatever saves you the deja, so you can deja stimhack as needed.

1 May 2015 x3r0h0ur

Really, insta-parasiting with Clone is strong since you can trash ice with sucker that way, so maybe slightly skewed to deja for cache, clone for para, but deja is 75% of the time 1 cache 1 parasite, maybe.

1 May 2015 Lluluien

This list is pretty close to how I'm inclined to run Noise right now, so I have a question for you that I don't have a good solution for: what do you do about Lotus Field? Just accept that they !@$%ing suck? My answer right now is hope-to-God that I get to murder them with Imp before they get installed, but that seems almost as bad as no plan other than just being aware what Priority #1 to kill is.

Does this deck want Knight badly enough to cut something for it?

1 May 2015 x3r0h0ur

I've not really had a desire to run knight in noise in a long time. Personally, imp priority 1. Other than that, spooned is my include for an answer. Though, with 3 CF, getting a few online helps if you dedicate a turn to running through it. Its not the best for central placed LF, but the turn you need to attack a remote, the 3 recurring on crypsis are nice, and why I run CF over DC.

1 May 2015 x3r0h0ur

I've not really had a desire to run knight in noise in a long time. Personally, imp priority 1. Other than that, spooned is my include for an answer. Though, with 3 CF, getting a few online helps if you dedicate a turn to running through it. Its not the best for central placed LF, but the turn you need to attack a remote, the 3 recurring used on crypsis are nice, and why I run CF over DC.

1 May 2015 Lluluien

Makes a lot of sense; I didn't think about the fact that a couple Cyberfeeders online makes it a lot less painful to run through one. I like the idea about Spooned too; I don't like those cards in general, but you've got a good draw engine in this deck and with just a little bit of selectivity about what you murder with Parasite, the positional aspect of the card is probably moot.

Note to self: play Inazuma over my Lotus Field against Noise, but only after the first time I virus wipe him ;)

2 May 2015 CodeMarvelous

This looks really neat but you have no scorched earth protection. thats my only concern.

2 May 2015 Dydra

Great deck my friend. I was expecting some 49 card deck with Paige Piper in it and some heap play :P

Hacktivist Meeting is a great card imo. I've been trying to think of a deck around it, but Hayley Kaplan: Universal Scholar is first on my list of testing.

3 May 2015 x3r0h0ur

@codemarvelous I have 2 scorch protection...imp:)

@dydra I did had 46 cards for a while in testing but shaved off a few cards when I didn't see Aesop's as often as I needed. I think the asset hotness might wear off soon, especially with the real sense of hacktivist, which is its goal I'd imagine. That will drive out hacktivist and we can get back to running incubators in noise ;)

3 May 2015 Dydra

Yes I know what you mean LOL :) However, would be great to force the Corp's playstyle away from the Asset Heavy meta. Right now RP and NEH both run such crazy amount of Assets. HB and Weyland too.

Sadly this procs when you rezz upgrades too :( Whivh makes some really intersting decks like Industrial Genomics: Growing Solutions and Jinteki Biotech: Life Imagined suffer :(

9 May 2015 spiralshadow

I too was initially concerned with Scorch protection, but the amount of HQ disruption should really be enough. Also the lack of Sure Gamble surprised me, but I guess Cache recursion is economy enough. Awesome deck, can't wait to give it a go.