NBN Fast Advance Adverts

micahwedemeyer 1

Plan is to fast-advance as many 2/1s as I can, while digging for SanSan. At the same time, we ICE up HQ and R&D, leaving all other servers naked. If SanSan is trashed, we get it with Archived Memories. If we can't find it, hopefully we can get it with Aggressive Negotiation.


Won vs Daniel (Sunny LeBeau) - Tons of agendas right off the bat, and my economy did not take off. I got super lucky on the draw with agendas near the end. Daniel should have won, since he was walking into HQ/R&D over and over.


  • Miscalculating Biotic Labor + SanSan for a 5/3. You still need another click, so 2 labors perhaps.
  • Placing a resistor that could be insta-broken by Inti + Cyberfeeder.


  • Lots of end game cards, like Ad Blitz, Psycho, All-Seeing. Can sit in hand a long time.


  • Drop Hadrians for Fire Wall, cheaper, easier to deploy
  • Drop Psycho, get Beanstalk Royalties


Lost vs Daniel (Anarch, Bad Pub) - I ICE'ed up R&D and HQ as I should have, but he managed to knife my Hadrian's Wall on R&D, multiple times. He used medium to rip agendas out of R&D with click after click. He would gain a tag from Turnpike every run, but he didn't care. By the end, he had 7 virus tokens on Medium.

I need to learn to aggressively score out the agendas that land in my hand.


  • CLASSIC MISTAKE - Rez'ing ICE to protect HQ when I needed the full amount for defending R&D.
  • Not aggressive enough on scoring in SanSan server. I had SanSan installed, but I was scared to use it. He had corroder from turn 1, and I didn't have any ETR on the SanSan server.


  • Add Psychographix, to take advantage of the potential tags.