The Trashmaster

Davidmc7 193

When I started playing Netrunner in Canberra, I quickly realised that I would have to work extra hard to catch up with the talented meta. While I'm a decent corp player, my runner game has never been great. I had to net-deck if I wanted to have any chance as my own runner decks just never cut it.

And what better deck to net-deck than Limes' Imp-ressive Hoshiko? I love Anarch decks that disrupt plans, and Limes' deck did just that.

Of course, this deck was from 2019 and a few cards have rotated. I do think some new cards work even better with this kind of disruptive deck, for example Fermenter and Botulus.

The plan is still the same: trash stuff and get paid for it. This deck is wealthier than Limes' deck, which means we can afford to play Knobkierie instead of the Patchwork + Friday Chip combo.

And with Loup, you get paid even more for trashing stuff! The synergy just works really well.

What about Guru Davinder? This weird include comes from the fact that my meta loves unstoppable kill decks. You could replace it by Rebirth or any of your favourite one-influence cards, but I have never regretted including it.

So get in HQ, wreck the joint with your Infin-Imp, and get double paid for it!

Yes, I know that Loup can play only 40 cards. Let me know what you would cut!