21 ads are not a troll deck!

Krams 949

One of the first decks I made when D&D was made available at Jinteki.net was an annoying little "let's put all advertisments of the game in a single deck" troll deck. Guess what? It worked.
Disclaimer: I know that you have to play Haas-Bioroid to actually be able to put in ALL the ads. But the main point is to abuse the Spark ID ability, so yeah, whatever... No Rex Campaign!

The first version of this deck actually had too much money and not enough to spend it on. Even when the runner did his (or her) best to trash my asset eco, I still ended up with 40 and more. And lost the game without being able to turn the money into a victory.
Enter Dracō. I reorganized the ICE suite to be able to create a glacier that actually can keep he runner out and slow advance stuff. It may not look like it does, but together with the terryfiing eco denial machine that is Spark agency, this deck can shut out a lot of runners.

The current version is tested and strong, though I'm still tinkering around here and there. I even tested it against a Whizzard with a strong eco and recurring parasites. I gave him a hard time keeping up.

One important thing to mention is that this was never meant to be a rush deck. It is slow. And I play it slow. I did not include fast advance tools and I did so for a reason! Most agendas are scored out by a never advance tactic or classic slow advancing. Even Astro tokens are used for never advancing out NAPDs more than for fast advancing out Beales.
This also means that the deck is not too big. The games are going for a while and you usually use more than 1 card per turn, so you might actually use Jackson Howard to draw cards for using them.

  • Eve Campaign may seem over the top, but she isn't. And yes, I regularily rez her proactively after the runner clicked for creds. Eve forces the runner to do one of two bad things: Trash her for a lot of money or let the corp get even more money. And most of the times, they decide to not trash it, even if it's only protection is a Product Placement or a Pop-up Window. That's why Eve is what makes you rich.
  • No Sweeps Week because people will know pretty fast they don't need to fear being scorched to death. And no Hedge Fund because I don't really need burst eco when 21 out of 54 cards are advertisments that give me money!
  • Dracō is da real MVP. I never used this card before in any deck, but when I was searching for stuff to dump money in, this boy turned up. I included him and started to play him. And played him utterly wrong. A strength 23 Draco may always fire, but doesn't do anything when he fires and you have no money left to boost the trace. So I learned to use Dracō and now he's awesome. Sometimes he's a str 0 early game ICE that keeps out a runner who hasn't set up his rig. Sometimes he's str 4 to keep out a runner with D4v1d and Mimic that struggles to get that one successful run to fill his Datasuckers. Sometimes he's str 6, just to annoy Ninja. Sometimes he's str 11, just to be a ridiculous tax against Faust (since most Faust users don't have the or for the trace). But he's always backed up by me being able to actually make that trace a threat.
  • Special Offer turned out to be way better than I thought. Don't look at it as a Hedge Fund you'll never know when it resolves. Look at it as something to be installed in front of a Tollbooth to make sure you will be able to rez it! Of course I don't always install it in front of Dracō or Tollbooth. In fact it isn't really positional. It can be all you need to lay out to defend a remote with a Campaign. The runner trashes your stuff? Well, you still get your money.
  • Datapike was thrown out for deck space reasons. I really liked it early game, when it took away even more creds from poor facechecking runners. But it didn't do anything late game and this is a slow deck. Same thing goes for Wraparound. It just doesn't do anything. 80% of the runners are packing a Corroder anyways, I might at least tax them 2 instead of 1 by switching to Wall of Static. And the initial cost isn't that much higher. This deck can afford it.
  • Flare was great. I wish I had the deck space to keep it, because it got me some real nice surprise console and interface trashes. I think I'll tinker around a bit more with the ICE suite (and maybe the agenda suite) to be able to put it back in. The only reason he's not in there anymore is that his main prupose was to do what Tollbooth does.
  • Midseason Replacements + Psychographics are not included, because I ended up never using them. When I was winning, they didn't steal agendas to make it possible and when they did, I didn't have Midseason in hand. Though of course, Psycho alone can be a win condition. Having a runner run 4 times against Dracō just to drain you s for the trace? Punish the 4 tags he just got from doing that.
  • Utopia Fragment is cursed. I played the deck dozens and dozens of times and I can't remember any runner actually ever paying a single because of it, let alone not getting the agenda. I still keep it in, because it just fits what I want to do with the deck so perfectly. Keep the runner poor and slow advance out well protected agendas.
  • Ad Blitz is nuts. Usually X is somewhere between 6 and 7, which means you spend and round about 20 to get simply flood the board with ads the runner thought he got rid of. If he doesn't trash them, you gain 10 per turn as drip eco and can glacier up even more. If he tries to trash them all, he will fail and you have a scoring window. Believe me, I used this with X = 7 against a Whizzard and he trashed it all within 2-3 turns, going from having a great eco to being totally broke while I still got my initial investment back. (Sigh, if I'd have had some agendas in hand it would have been a great scoring window.)
  • The All-Seeing I seems odd in a deck without Breaking News or anything that can tag on the corp's turn. And yes, it is odd. I use it as a meta call, because I see so many people thinking you could play tag me while using a resource based economy. You can't. No, not even with Wireless Net Pavillions.

I just won a game vs a Kate that installed Mopus turn 1, triple Rabbit Hole turn 2 and Security Nexus turn 3. Damn, bypassing is hard against this deck! It was a very close game that ended 7-6. But I still won it and here's how:
I rushed out an early 15 Minutes installed in turn 1 naked, and scored in turn 2, just because, hey, it's 15 Minutes! Who would have cared if it was stolen turn 1? Then I didn't score for a while, trying and failing to get an eco advantage. Then I sneaked out an Astro by never-advancing more cards than she could check. For the next agenda, I used the Astro token to FA out another Astro when Clot was still in the Stack and no Clone Chip and no SMC were installed. After that I faked another FA attempt to make her Clot it and run it. Then I glaciered up and made the scoring server so taxing that she just could run it one more time. Then I installed an Eve in the scoring. Beale or no Beale? Well, she ran it, made the huge mistake of trashing it and I installed the real Beale instead. I ended the game with 3 sad Dracōs in hand that had no use against 5 .
That game was a perfect example of why this deck works. I can use many different ways of scoring out agendas. Usually, I don't FA, but by all means, I can do it if I have to!

12 Nov 2015 Lupus Yonderboi

Your deck makes my fresh review of Draco sad. Kudos for that clever use.

12 Nov 2015 Krams

@Lupus Yonderboi Hehe, thank you :)

12 Nov 2015 Joel5588

Very cool, nicely put together :D

15 Nov 2015 Hayati

Awesome deck pal!

16 Nov 2015 Hayati

I tried this out a few times and made some changes pal. Here is the adjusted deck:



Reduced the agenda and overall card count. Food is a great include so that you can just score that plus a three-pointer, and then two one-pointers to win.

2x Archangel are very taxing. TMI for the same reason.

2x Ash come in, they seem perfect for this deck and maybe better than the currents originally selected.

Eve is reduced to 1x due to the above needs for influence.

Anyway, these are just my preferences. It's great fun! In one game I completely wore out a runner deck, exhausting all their cards, whereas my deck still had plenty of steam left.

Ad Blitz is just the best!

16 Nov 2015 Hayati

Also, you may like to consider adding Surveillance Sweep to really make Dracō into a terror!

16 Nov 2015 Hayati

Hmm, maybe not TMI, it can be very expensive to rez. The barrier slot is problematic because we're using the influence elsewhere...for now I decided to give Quicksand a try; its value may well increase in a long game.

16 Nov 2015 Krams

Thank you for your feedback. I checked out your version of the deck and I think you did a great job adjusting it.