Braindamaged Kit (2nd in Stimhack League regular season)

Matuszczak 2311


I decided to share my Kit deck that I have been using with some success in both online and offline tournaments. To be honest, this decklist has not changed for more than 3 months already and I consider it to be a final version of my creation. However, I do hope that you will provide some valuable suggestions, especially that you will have a fresh perspective.

The deck performs extremely well against practically all decks other than NBN fast advance, but I still think that it is able to stand it's ground against NEH and achieve a respectable win rate of around 50%.

The deck excels at threatening all servers. Most of the time, the outermost piece of ice on every server will be irrelevant, as will be all the code gates. From my experience, I quite rarely actually pay for breaking ice, Parasite will be able to take care of most of the problematic non-code gates, especially considering that you will have easy access to Datasucker tokens in most games. I tend to think about it as a control deck. Making sure that Corp cannot score, is crucial, if you can do that, you will eventually find the agendas either in HQ or in R&D. Your late game is stronger that that of practically any Corp and you should be giving them a really hard time protecting servers from free runs.

I do not to want to elaborate on the strategy too much. A lot of this comes with practice and experience. This is by no means an easy deck to play, there are a lot of judgement calls involved. Having played around 200 games with it's different versions I am still very often unsure about some of my decisions.

I encourage you to try the deck, I consider it to be extremely fun to play. I will be happy to hear your thoughts, comments and suggestions and will try to answer all the questions that might come up.


1 Sep 2014 jawohl

Chakana mvp

18 Apr 2015 kephalopode

Would you consider replacing the Contacts with Symmetrical Visage?

19 Apr 2015 Matuszczak

@camel_case No, as most of my turns involve clicking Contacts 2 or 3 times.