Riot Riot Upstart

ComradeMik 4

Ever wanted to stick it to the Corps? Course you have. You slave away for them all day, maybe find some creds maybe enough to buy something to distract you, but in the end nothing changes. Well, tonight that all changes. Get your mates, fire up all those nasty suprises you've got stashed away, and hit the corp where it hurts. Don't stop, never stop. You can't. Not now. Remind those corporate shills in their ivory towers what damage the people can do.

So this isn't exactly a top tier deck. You know that. I know that. That's not why we're here, so move along. What this deck is, is fun. It's fast, aggressive and doesn't afraid of anything. Your main threat with this deck is ripping cards out of R&D with as many recurred FtM's as possible in as short a timeframe as possible, then lift everything with Hades Shard. The longer you give the corp to build up their defenses, the worse it's going to go for you. Played right against certain corps, your bigger threat will simply be to deck them out. You'll want comet + eater + e3 out fairly early, possibly with D4v1d out soon after. That should get you through just about anything and let you apply absurd amounts of pressure. Nothing like playing day job and then following it up with another event.

Whilst this deck doesn't have too many resources that it relies on, minimising the threat from yellow decks, it's still pretty vulnerable to being killed. That said, who cares. Get a couple of turns of your combo off and go out in a blaze of glory.

Final tips: 1. Go harder then you're likely used to. Once comet is out, your biggest assest is the ongoing pressure you can apply, plus the rapid econ recovery. 2. If you've pulled off a 3-4 value FtM, then float archives if you can even without hades. I've lost more than a few games simply because I forgot to check archives. 3. Have fun.