Same old Tennin (1st place Warsaw Regionals)

SeIverin 3149

Just same old Tennin in short time of glory before rotation. Strategy: armored central servers and fa, lockdown clot if needed.

24 Jul 2017 Sanjay

Congrats on your win! Big fan of all your excellent Tennin showings.

Any thoughts about Mass Commercialization? I've been pretty excited about it, but maybe it isn't as important as some of the less situational econ?

24 Jul 2017 SeIverin

Not for this deck. I'm focusing on andvancing only 1 ice. Old commercialization is better, but with IPO now i prefer early econ slot.

24 Jul 2017 Inermis

What was your win/lose ratio with it?

24 Jul 2017 SeIverin

@Inermis 4-3, all lost games were to your/Odol Valencia (and at least one of those games was ridiculous unlucky)

24 Jul 2017 Elodius

Nice ! Grats !

25 Jul 2017 evilgaz

Well done. Do you find you have enough ICE? My Tennin have often struggled early to get going without more pieces to start defending early.

25 Jul 2017 SeIverin

I started deckbuilding with 16 ice but i found ineffecient that i'm discarding ice in mid game. 13 is better. Ofc i have sometimes game that i cannot find any ice but shit judt happens sometimes.