Zahya: Crime Pays v1.0 [SG]

easterncalculus 763

Basic System Gateway Criminal Deck.

A deck focused around a strong economy and keeping the corp's credit advantage to a minimum. This falls under several categories:

  • Money for running. Pennyshaver is the most prominent example of this with 3 instances in our deck, to ensure it is drawn quickly. Our ID provides at minimum, a 1 credit reward for a successful run. Red Team also provides an additional reward for running centrals. We can combine this with Leech and Jailbreak to get even better returns.
  • Cash on demand. The classic Sure Gamble provides this, but this is also available by cashing in Fermenter. If we already have a credit advantage, it may be worth allowing Fermenter to stick around simply to waste the corp's time clearing it down. Overclock can also boost our wallet in a pinch if we end up tight for funds.
  • Make them pay. Tread Lightly ensures that a blind run versus some new ICE doesn't go as smoothly as the corp would like, and if we can force them to pay that rez cost all over again with Tranquilizer, all the better.

Other factors to be aware of with this deck include:

  • Hand Size / MU: There's 2 copies of Verbal Plasticity in the deck, which should pair well with T400 Memory Diamond should we be facing a Jinteki or Weyland damage deck. If not, the extra MU from T400 and Pennies-haver will give us some freedom in running extra programs like Conduit, Fermenter, Leech and Tranquilizer alongside our regular breaker suite.
  • Icebreakers and Programs: With only a few copies of icebreakers in our deck, we're relying on Mutual Favor to draw them at the appropriate time. These are weak to rigshooter setups that discard programs since we have no way to recur them. Expect Tranquilizer to be trashed if installed on a central server, or for the corp to jump to a different scoring server if placed on a remote. Thanks to the sheer number of virus cards (8 total, but likely no more than 3 at a time) the corp may even purge virus counters - which is excellent for us.
  • Multi-access: Docklands Pass, Jailbreak and Conduit allow us to access multiple cards in one pass - something that benefits Our ID. Conduit in particular is dangerous for the corp when coupled with enough money, as multiple accesses in a single turn (with some trashing to dig even deeper) can be fatal.