Jankshmi Hammer v0.1

sodwyer 21

Get the money, draw the cards, ICE up centrals, put upgrades on centrals.

When you get 2 copies of a Vitruvius, Install Lakshmi, Install Vitruvius, Advance Vitruvius. If the runner runs it, rez lakshmi and a central upgrade, spend two counters and say:

"cant touch this"

Procede to score it next turn and repeat the process.

Biotic to score out the final copy of a 3/2, Fast Track to get a second copy quicker, Snatch and Grab for film critic, CVS for Imp and the other usual reasons, Cybernetics Court for if you go too poor, Crisium for siphons (and those assets and upgrades just help the combo anyway)