Post-Automata Formicary Sports (1-1 at EMEA)

wiriamu 117

What’s the status of sports in the post-Automata meta?

A turn one Hermes is pretty brutal since volume of scores is key to the sports strategy.

Rezzing a wage workers is a great way to get a counter on a never advanced Vitruvius.

Defensive upgrades are still great, especially a late game Giordano, and it’s great to reinstall defensive upgrades from archives when you rez an ablative on your scoring remote or defending a central that you know will be run on. Also great to return a spin to the board. Keep one spin in your archives if you anticipate that chance.

Don’t know if Hagen is still valuable and worth an include. Probably.

Pinhole, Miss Bones and Light the Fire! are cards to work around, especially if you are preemptively rezzing to protect from Hermes bounces.