Galaxy News Radio (Post-Rotation Smoke)

Grimwalker 639

If you want to go to Regionals, play CodeMarvelous's Queen in Green. But in a world without Indexing, you have to make choices.

In the post-apocalyptic wasteland, there are no more sure things. But what you can do is beat the odds. R&D lock is over, but if you can fill the corp's hand with cards, it will accelerate the game and agendas will build up.

Enter The Gauntlet. Sure it's five bits, but its HQ pressure actually compares extremely favorably with HQ Interface. The Stealth rig puts a high bar on scoring from remotes, which leads to a logjam in HQ. By watching the corp's play, you absolutely can Mad Dash if you'll be accessing three or more cards.

And if they've scavenged some way to put agendas back in R&D from the rusted and irradiated wasteland, you can punish that too with Equivocation.

11 Apr 2017 Grimwalker

On the suggestion of a friend, one Mad Dash can be cut to fit in a Sacrificial Construct. Skorpios is coming...

12 Apr 2017 BloodJoker

since you're not running Temüjin Contract anymore do you find Patron to be worth it?

12 Apr 2017 BloodJoker

Especially with MCA Informantnow being a thing.

13 Apr 2017 Grimwalker

In general, yes. While TemüjinMercurPatron runs are the best thing since sliced stupid people on toast, two cards and a banked credit is still worthwhile. They could easily be cut if future card draw options present themselves in the remainder of Red Sand or Terminal Directive.

13 Apr 2017 Grimwalker

Currently testing -1 Dash, +1 SacCon, -1 Peace -1 Wasteland +1 Aesop +1 Aaron. Aesop can sell off anything that gets MCA'd, milk the Daily Casts a bit better, and get value from spent Patrons once the deck is low.