Gluttonous Animal - 6th @Swedish Nats 2-2

Bridgeman 2571

Check out this deck on stream tomorrow!

A new take on my worlds list, slightly closer to apex predator, but I didnt like how the retributions took up a lot of deck slots and ended up going back to the EOTL I had been practicing with previously. It gives runners more scenarios to play around where after hitting a snare you may need to draw up and clear a tag before being safe. Of course also adds synergy with news team.

One version played 2News team and 2Stock-Buy-Back, but I just found the latter to be too important for the decks economy to cut.

Hybrid Release is a nice little boon for the deck, offering more ways to force net damage and an easier path to scoring out, not to mention a way to mess a looot with Esa, definitely play 3 of these over 3 regenesis, The threat of regenesis is enough imo, you dont need 3 copies.

Mavirus is another way to poison archives in the deck in a meta with lots of turtles and viruses in general.

Hokusai is nice but not as important without wake up call, but I wanted to keep one copy in to punish stargate/dof.

I still think this deck is strong, it is hard for runners to be well prepared for this and for all the other corps out there. However if big runner decks become popular this will struggle.

Another big struggle for this deck is time, even if you play very fast there is a high chance you lose on time if you corp game two and the runner is not matching that speed. Because of how time works in the game atm I would consider a faster corp if a good one is available.

In the event the deck did okay, all games pretty close, and could have done better with better piloting. :D

Shoutout to HNautsch for organizing, and to Unband for moral support! :D