Omdizzle (4-0 - 1st Place Online GNK / 3-2 - Online SC)

Havvy 324

Why Omar?

The question I get asked a lot about this deck. At first it was an experiment for Worlds testing knowing there was going to be a decent Asa representation. This deck tends to have lightly defended centrals, with an exposed R+D early on with ICE going on remotes. Knowing this type of deck usually ends up with a significant amount of Agenda’s that relies on Lakshmi Smartfabrics to defend it, I saw an opportunity where Omar either forced Archives ICE, delaying the Asa plan or be more exposed to Apoc / HQ pokes.

In addition, Omar fits my playstyle of applying early pressure although this was my first attempt at an Apoc deck.

Performance wise, it went 3-2 in Cambridge Store Championship (with had heavy representation of Outfit and Aginfusion) and 4-0 in an online GNK, helping me carry me to my maiden tournament win.

Is Omar correct for an Apoc deck?

In my opinion, it is right for this meta and I wished I took this to worlds, but I was put off by the thought of Palana / Aginfusion matchups. The theory this deck eats up Asa turned out to be correct - it won all its matches vs Asa.

Choice of cards (by exception)

A lot of the cards in my deck would fit in a standard Apoc deck, noting you are 3 influence short than normal.

Hijacked Router– A cheeky hate card for asset spam, which messed up maths for the Corp on Apoc runs by trashing it.

Eater – With the amount of Tour Guide living in Asa, this felt like a key card for me and it was. This card never disappointed me and create a huge amount of threat. It has a nice bit of synergy with Stargate and Wanton Destruction, and helps save install costs on breakers that would have been Apoc’ed anyway.

Amped Up – Essential card for many reasons (Border Control / MCA Austerity Policy)

Thoughts on this deck moving forward

This deck felt comfortable to pilot and created nice pressure on the Corp with in the setup phase digging for Apoc while Daily Casts / Earthrise Hotel / Liberated Accounts get used up. 2 lots of real breakers feels right, as well as two Stargates (which you shouldn’t be shy of installing pre-Apoc early if you feel there is a good window for).

3 lots of Wanton Destruction feels too much and often felt like a dead card early on. I would be tempted to reduce this to 2 copies at most. Labor Rights is a nice recursion card, but I never really felt the value from it in this deck. Hijacked Router, while doing a lot of work, can you flexed out for other tech cards you feel appropriate.

While the first Apoc run in this deck never failed, it did struggle post Apoc and felt like a fight (a good fight none the less!) afterwards. If I had to change this deck, it would be the inclusion of Stimhacks. While a strange choice for an Apoc deck, it would be a good card to use to install trashable breakers post Apoc when money is often short.

Thank you

Lastly but not least, a thank you for Serenity for putting up with my mad Apoc ideas and guiding me through the ways of the Apoc! And a thank you for Aki, for coaching me through matchups.

31 Oct 2020 NtscapeNavigator

31 Oct 2020 NtscapeNavigator
