Eyes/Yog/Parasite Kit

cjbriley 11

I played a version of this deck a lot back before Lotus Field came out, but shelved it as it had no easy way to deal with that card other than bringing in Dino (which changed the deck a lot). It was fairly successful, winning a big SC and bringing me to Top 8 in a 70+ person regional last year.

Bringing it back now that I have Net-Ready Eyes, along with some other support (Visage, Astrolabe) that didn't exist back then.

2 Jun 2015 CrushU

Have you tried Wyrm instead of Datasucker? I always had a problem with this deck where the corp would finally get tired of Sucker Shenanigans and just spend a turn to clear viruses, and then I'm stuck out of servers for a while...

Do you have a different solution, or has it never happened?

8 Jun 2015 ttdlx1989

Wyrm takes up valuable influence which Kit is already hurting for, as well as costing an arm and a leg. An argument could be made for a single copy, but Datasucker is essentially this deck's alternate econ (Kati being the other). Between Kit's ability, Parasite, and Femme, you should be able to get into some central once a turn. If the corp can still afford to lock you out and purge again, then you were already losing.

8 Jun 2015 CrushU

Wyrm is less influence than the 3 Datasucker; When using Yog.0, you aren't using your money for anything else so the expense doesn't matter as much.

Ultimately, I tend to prefer Wyrm because of Blue Sun. You'll never get up to 10 counters on Datasuckers to kill a Curtain Wall in my experience. Maybe the Atman is how this deck plans on dealing with Blue Sun?

(Don't misunderstand; I'm not saying I'm the expert on this or anything, I'm mostly trying to poke holes and find out how you plan on dealing with them. 'Expensive' is a valid reason to not run Wyrm, and running Datasucker is perfectly legit.)

8 Jun 2015 cjbriley

@CrushU, Wyrm is beyond prohibitively expensive when compared to Datasucker. And while the argument that you're not using money for anything else has some merit, there's still plenty to spend on - assets need to be trashed, Self-modifying Code used, parasites installed, other programs utilized, etc. The deck runs light on economy already, supporting Wyrm would be an entirely different strategy.

I have and will absolutely get up to 10 Datasucker tokens. It's easy to install two of them and hitting each server consistently to break isn't unfeasible. Most corps can't protect all three centrals very long against the onslaught, especially against a Kit that functionally ignores the first piece of Ice and any Code Gate <= Str 4

Blue Sun: Powering the Future seems like a reason not to use Wyrm. Just to get a curtain wall down to 3 strength to break with Yog.0 is 16 credits (+9 for Wyrm, -7 for the wall.) An Atman at 5 or 6 with tokens can handle it much more easily, and you employ tricks like Femme and Lady for these situations when you have to. The Blue Sun: Powering the Future match-up isn't an easy one for this deck but it's absolutely winnable.

Wyrm is one of the most inefficient cards in the game. Datasucker is one of the most efficient. You have plenty of tools to gain access if they try to lock you out. If they can lock you out of every central AND a scoring remote that means they've spent a very long time building up. You need to ruin their game plan way before then.

8 Jun 2015 CrushU

I very much agree that using Wyrm to break Curtain Wall is nowhere near a good idea. :) I much prefer to use it to drop it to 0 for Parasite. :D

Atman is the best thing possible here, until they advance their walls one past the setting. Femme Fatale is also great against large Barriers... Until they bounce it to reset the Femme ability. Cerberus "Lady" H1 is easily the best answer Shaper has to Blue Sun Shenanigans, but even she only gets you past that Curtain Wall twice before you have to reset her. Is there something I'm missing here? I'm not trying to be a nay-sayer or pessimistic. :) (My experience says Atman at 6 is the best thing you can do against a Blue Sun.)

Any way you look at it, you need a large economy to deal with Blue Sun in general, and Curtain Wall in particular:

  1. pay 22 credits once (Parasite + Wyrm'ing Wall to 0) --Added bonus of turning your ability back on for this server.
  2. pay 7 credits each run, and another 4 credits at least every other run. (Lady cost to break, then Clone Chip her every other run.)
  3. pay 13 credits, then 1 credit a run. (Atman on 10)
  4. pay 9 credits, then 1 credit + 4 datasucker a run (Atman on 6 against outer Curtain Wall)
  5. Pay 13 credits a run (Corroder, one of the most efficient Fracters in the game.)

Any time I better than break even vs Corroder, I call it a good day. All of these are viable choices to deal with Curtain Wall. But honestly, Blue Sun isn't even the worst for this deck. Jinteki: Replicating Perfection is.

I feel like I restate that I'm not being belligerent here... I agree that Datasucker is a good, efficient card, and especially good against NEH or PE decks. I ran it myself for a long time, until I ran headfirst into a wall of Blue Sun ICE and RP ICE, and they locked me out without too much difficulty. This was, however, when Lotus Field was insurmountable without Dino-Yog, so hopefully NRE changed that?

9 Jun 2015 ttdlx1989

Even with Yog.0, you can't really afford Wyrm with only Kati Jones as your economy. With deckspace and influence as it is, your only option is an additional Magnum Opus, which means you're back to 3 with no flexibility of overwriting a Datasucker or two.
You have to remember that Datasucker acts as an alternate source of economy; replace it with Wyrm not only means you lose out on it, but you're also paying (twice!) for what would have been free. It's triple the credit impact.

Furthermore, against Blue Sun: Powering the Future, you really do not want to be spending a lot of credits at once. Sure, for 22 you can remove the Curtain Wall and reactivate your ability, but at the cost of being 22 poorer to defend against the inevitable trace that will lead to a loss (any of Midseason Replacements, SEA Source, or Punitive Counterstrike.) Ideally, you shouldn't be letting them have enough breathing room to even afford a hard rez Curtain Wall. If they're getting it out via Oversight AI midgame, then you shouldn't have a problem breaking and trashing it anyway. If they get it early...well, every deck has its weaknesses. It's not like the Parasites in this deck is going to do much against Blue Sun: Powering the Future either.

I should probably also mention the consistency at this point. The deck is already chock full of singletons; it's a lot of targets for only 3x Self-modifying Code, and you really want to save your Clone Chips for Parasite and Cerberus "Lady" H1 if possible. Adding another single in Wyrm is probably going to lead to set-up issues, even if you do save one influence.

9 Jun 2015 CrushU

I think your argument is Datasucker is an economy card, so if you were to take out Datasucker, you'd need Magnum Opus? If this isn't your argument, I apologize for the incoming Strawman. :(

My response is that if Datasucker is competing with Magnum Opus, Datasucker counter is one click. (Maybe half a click if you have two out. Actually lets go with that, because two Datasucker take the memory of one Opus.) At best, you get 2 counters for one click. This does not translate to money, most notable when trashing Assets.

At best, it makes future runs 'free', spending only counters to let Yog through. At worst, it pumps other breakers, 1 credit per counter. These are all best-case scenarios, where the corp leaves you an open central. As soon as all centrals have ICE in front of them, Datasucker's value drops, especially for Kit, since she can't run through multiple times efficiently. And it gets worse because the corp always has the option to clear viruses. Most corps can't triple click to eat 4+ credits.

Opus, however, is always 1, 2. While it will never get better than that, it will never be worse. In certain cases, Datasucker is better, and if I know I'm going against nothing but NEH all day, Datasucker is the best option. In general, Magnum Opus is better, because at worst it doubles your efficiency.

For spending money against Blue Sun, I agree one hundred percent. It's part of what makes them a strong corp, because you can't not spend money. :/ And you're right, Parasite is much worse against them... Unless you have a guaranteed way of dropping any ICE to strength 0. (Except Lotus Field. :) )

I also agree with your consistency points, and in fact is something I've been trying to solve with Kit for a while. Yogasaurus is powerful, but has setup-time issues. Net-Ready Eyes fixes this to an extent. Yay! There's a lot of singletons so we have a toolbox of things to choose from. We won't need Deus Ex or Inti against Blue Sun, We won't need a lot of parasite recursion against PE or NEH... But when talking about 1 Wyrm vs 3 Datasuckers, the Wyrm stretches our tutors less. Even better, we don't need to install Wyrm before running centrals multiple times, so we can save the SMC for something else if needed.

I'm enjoying the discussion/debate, and thank you for taking your time to do so. :)

12 Jun 2015 Radiea

Is the singleton Yog enough?

12 Jun 2015 cjbriley

It's never really been an issue. I played without the Mimic and with a second Yog for a while but found in most cases the Mimic is better. Will-o'-the-Wisp is probably the biggest threat to Yog.0 since it's outside of Power Shutdown range and the deck plays pretty safe from destroyers...you can always slot in a Sharpshooter in a destroyer heavy meta. Even then, you have Clone Chip. If they manage to trash your Yog.0 and remove it from play with Chronos Project then you've lost...but that shouldn't really happen unless you've done something horribly wrong.

You run 3 Self-modifying Code for a reason. Play a bit like a Criminal and force them to rez Ice until you get your SMC/Yog to force them to layer up.

14 Jun 2015 Radiea

I was actually wondering whether you find it worth getting Yog out more consistently turns 1-2 to spend the 2 influence and deckslots for it...on the other hand, is the 3x NRE needed, or can it be dropped to 2x?