My Girl Wants to Party All the Time 1.1

cranked 1310

Ekomind/Overmind/Duggars shenanigans. Your gameplan is simple:

  1. Install All-Nighter.
  2. Install Duggar's, either off of The Supplier or by hard-installing it. Install Ekomind somewhere in there while you're at it.
  3. Get your handsize up, using either Origamis or Public Sympathys.
  4. When you're ready, pop All-Nighter.
  5. Party all effing night.
  6. Use the extra click to install an Overmind with an assload of counters on it.
  7. ???
  8. Profit!
6 Feb 2015 Blindman

What about Swordsman? Would you pop the Deus to get past it once?

6 Feb 2015 postalelf

A light sprinkling of Data Folding would probably be nice with the Supplier, to help out with the economy while still supporting the MU shenanigans.

6 Feb 2015 cranked

@Blindman Swordsman is admittedly a problem. Right now the only option is Deus X, but I have considered slotting in Parasites to deal with it. I'm likely going to slot in 2x Clone Chip by swapping All-nighter for Stim Dealers, but deckspace is a little tight here. You could probably cut Nerve Agent and 1x Incubator to fit in Parasites though.