Gagarin Time Shares Inc.

lightburied 71

"Hi! My name is Jack Weyland. Are you tired of your dreary place on Earth? Yes Mother Earth has been there for us since humans stood up, but you know what?

Fuck that old hag! Why not live (turns on voice reverb) IN SPAAAAAAAAACE!

Here's where Gagarin Time Shares comes in. At Gagarin, we want you to be happy and healthy amongst the stars. Our personal space residences will make you a star on the level of Alpha Centauri. Enjoy such wondrous attractions as the Worlds Plaza space mall and our shuttle to Luna's most famous and exclusive club: Eliza's Toybox.

Thanks to our NAPD Contracts you'll be afforded both protection and an easy Beanstalk ride back to Earth for when you feel like visiting your pathetic relatives who can't afford this! Our Corporate Town Weylandium hosts our state of the art launch facility, with easy access to the city to check out the new Oaktown Renovations.

Now we know what you're thinking: "But wait! What about the huge rise in cyber-terrorism? You didn't think of that, did you?" Well we did! We talked with some of the code wizards at HB to devise specialized Encryption Protocols for your protection. Your data is safe with Gagarin. Furthermore, you're in space! Its harder to get data back down to Earth anyway. We're also constantly Patching our ICE as well, so you can enjoy everything that the solar system has to offer. I hear there's some great new watering holes on Mars!

Don't worry if this is all overwhelming. We have Tour Guides for that.

Gagarin Time Shares Inc. A truly out-of-this-world investment.

(Note: Pay no attention to those rumors about us hiring Contract Killers to deal with people who don't buy into this.)"

General plan: Assets. Lots of them. Host them on Worlds if you think the wiz will be a problem, and encrypt them regardless. Get a takeover or support in early for archer food or, better yet, a corporate town. Paywall is a personal choice for schadenfreude as Tollbooths do their thing and you still get rich. Patch up spiderwebs and Tollbooths and watch what happens.

I know this deck can't be done now. Personally, I feel like the agenda mix leaves something to be desired, but I can't put my finger on it. Feedback is welcome.