
MrWeasely 80

Aesop's Pawnshop is now an interstellar franchise brought to you by the Weyland Consortium! Bring us your mid-cost ice, and watch as it's backdoor-riddled subroutines are broken down into component code, then retooled and deployed in the Amazon Basin by crack sysadmin Akitaro Watanabe! Your servers will glisten in the lunar sun!

Few cards in this deck cost more than $5.

Note how to churn with The Root: After the runner's last action, rez it for $6, and immediately spend 3 tokens. At the start of the turn, spend 3 more tokens then sacrifice it for $6. Rez targets include Amazon Industrial Zone, Private Contracts, and Eve Campaign. Net gain up to $6 for 1 click.

12 Oct 2014 PeekaySK

Note how to churn with The Root: After the runner's last action, rez it for $6, and immediately spend 3 tokens. At the start of the turn, spend 3 more tokens then sacrifice it for $6.

This doesn't work, unless you have a way of spending credits on something that triggers on "When your turn begins...". Thing is, both the recurring credit refresh and the BS BS (heh) happen in this timing window, which means you get to choose the order you do them in, but you can't do anything else in between (like, rez an Eve or an Amazon or whatever.

12 Oct 2014 Pinkwarrior

@MrWeasely You may also want to note that Akitaro would have to disapper for you to make money on returning rez'd ICE as the rez cost would still be lowered when you return the ICE.

I think your approach is fine though not using OAI and using root/amazon for cash. I personally think Adonis Campain is better than Eve as you can rez it start of your turn get the money then return it to hand turning it into 3c for 1click. that said my view is Weyland's never need this before for cash so why start now they have plenty of ways of making money.

What Blue Sun open's up is the ability to use restructure easily and hedge fund as you can just return something get the creds back then play the card, i feel it also will make excellent use of Hive, Chum, Wendigo and other situational ICE.