Scarcity Sol

CritHitd20 7484

Guess what? I ripped off someone else's deck again! This time it's Bigboy's Making News, with a few changes made mostly with the intention of experimenting.

So runner econ is currently defined by resources. Whether it's Power Tap decks, Supplier Nexus decks, Temu Aaron criminal, Temu Whiz, Temu Smoke, it's just an onslaught of amazingly efficient resources that are mostly (but not all) named Temujin Contracts. Scarcity is SO GOOD right now, and having it available all game is incredible, so I switched IDs and added 3 copies. This denies a lot of setup speed to most commonly played runner archetypes, and we also get access to News Hound, an absolutely amazing ICE. The ICE is otherwise based around being incredibly cheap and taxing regardless of whether the runner has breakers or not, which makes it hard for the runner to constantly be contesting your fast advance/never advance plans.

My verdict from testing is that 3 Scarcities is currently fantastic. This deck is a lot of fun, is acceptably resilient to both Sifr and Temujin, and feels not unlike fair Netrunner.

FUN FACT: Despite what statistics might imply, they always have the Turn 1 Temujin, and you never have the Turn 1 Scarcity. The deck works anyways, honest. :)