Shots of Patron (Data Breach Jes)

PureFlight 1070

WTF is this Deck?

With all the stuff around, Jes should be good right? She really takes the teeth out of the Turnpikes and Ravens. Alright, let's make a Jes deck.

But what if you're not playing against ? Should include some self-tagging stuff: Vamp and Maya. Code Siphon? Sure, why not?

Maya is cool, but you have to spend clicks to run again. Enter Data Breach.

What else rewards you for running the same server a bunch? Temüjin. Turning Wheel. DaVinci. Patron. Chakana.

There's a lot of DNA Tracker about. Fairchildren, Tollbooth, Turing, Aiki, and other good code gates are around, too. So let's frickin use Torch. Oh! We can install it with Code Siphon more easily! Okay, yeah, cool.

What about asset spam? We'll want a Paricia. Slums? Let's try the more universal Archives Interface instead.

We have some leftover , huh? Eff it, Battering Ram is up. It's roughly as good as Corroder, just takes up an extra memory.

Is it Any Good?

I mean, it's okay. It's a place to start. It's not consistent enough to be competitive yet, and that's mostly due to econ troubles. It will definitely take your opponent off guard, and you can definitely win games that way.

Revisions Thus Far

Had Beth, but dropped her for Kati because Once the Vamping begins Beth is no good.

Other Possible Changes

Could probably take out the Chakanas and Kati to go Mopus. I just never liked Mopus Jes because she felt so slow. Kati/Temujin + Vamp is stronger I think.

Probably should have another early game econ source. DaVinci doesn't help much in the first few turns if they're able to ice up well.

Give me feedback on this messy pile of cards I call a deck!

28 Oct 2016 FarCryFromHuman

In matches where you don't need Chakana, Equivocation should be a sweet include when it drops.

Not sure why you are having econ troubles, it might just be bad draws, You've got tons of credits and draw in here, and a good mix of run-based and non-run-based econ to boot. I think it's fine. Most of the issues likely come from your expensive to install breakers, which you've gone out of your way to alleviate and once installed, your rig is pretty gross and accesses are reasonably efficient.

28 Oct 2016 PureFlight

@FarCryFromHuman Totally agree - Equivocation would be a great add here.

The more I think about it, the more I think the econ troubles I had were user error. Spending money on the wrong things at the wrong times. I've got 9 burst econ cards with Temujin, and another 5 slow econ cards with Davinci and Kati. Should be enough.

Hopefully with some more practice I can get a little better at those key decisions.

28 Oct 2016 FarCryFromHuman

Yeah I'm looking at the list and am thinking... what econ/draw could he add? Daily Casts? Earthrise Hotel? Professional Contacts? Meh on all counts. Deck is good.

28 Oct 2016 Pantacruel

off the top of my head seeing as you only have a single of each breaker, and most of them cost at least 5, why not use Anarch Retrieval Run. a single one. drop GS Shrike M2 and replace with a single Femme Fatale. get rid of the Turing Wheel and get some R&D Interface up in here. Agree that Chakana can shake it out of here.

30 Oct 2016 Simone Suka

what i love more than this deck is that packs 2 vamps and has no the econ for play 1.

30 Oct 2016 PureFlight

After some more games, I think there's just too much going on here. Often I just looked at my hand and thought, I don't want this yet, and I'd only play this is I had more money. Symptomatic of a bad deck. :-/

I'm dropping the Chakana. I think Chakana+Data Breach can be a thing if you focus on it, but that's not necessarily what i'm trying to do.

Code Siphon was supposed to help install Torch, but I've played about a dozen games against this week, and they always get a DNA Tracker on R&D in the first 3-4 turns it seems, so then I have to hard-install Torch. I'm considering going to Test Run+Scavenge. Or Retrieval Run like @Pantacruel suggested.

Conversely, I've played against only once, and it was Harishchandra, so my theory that Jess is good for the meta is so far coming up empty. But I still felt good running into that one Turnpike on R&D and only paying 1 everytime. :-)