Sunny Lebeau Winner Specialist - unbeaten at GNK Brno

Cucin 244

After 2 years of competitive playing I have won my first tournament. And it feels awesome. I think that I have won mainly due to my decision to not create my own deck this time and take something what has been created, tested and proved to be good by more skilled players. And this deck helped to my victory a lot. All credits go to Cpt_nice because he is that man which devoted testing Sunny Lebeau the most time, as I think. I used his deck posted here: I cut only 1 Jak Sinclair, 1 DreamNet, 3 PAD Tap and added 2 Career Fair, 3 Daily Casts and 1 Hernando Cortez because I was expecting our meta to be not so fast and be more glacier. Yeah 51 cards deck is strange but I didn´t want to cut another card and I wanted to have Hernando Cortez in. Before tournament I thought that my runner deck will be weaker than my corp deck and my expectacion was to win with my runner at least half of the games. In the end this deck didn´t lose even once and did better result than my corp deck. I won against Krasty´s MirrorMorph, Kubik´s (very fast) Titan than I beat even Longi´s Outfit which was very similar to my corp Outfit mentioned bellow and in the end I won also over Tris´s AgInfusion. Yeah I think this time I had lucky that my opponents didn´t find right cards in the begining phase, but it happened sometimes in Netrunner Overall I think that this Sunny Lebeau all round deck has decent probability to win in every game no matter which corp you play against. So thanks to all my colleagues I played against and especially to Longi who gave me also post advices how to play better.

As I mentioned above as corp I played this Outfit deck: I was very comfortable with it because deck was very rude, oppresive and easy to pilot and gave me various ways how to win (that 3 reversed accounts gave to deck another poison teeth which created maybe the most rude and critical moments in the games).

22 Aug 2020 Longi

Hey man, congrats on the well deserved victory. You waited a bit for that but I believe it only made is sweeter.

PS: I hope to get my revenge on you next time :D Thanks for coming.

22 Aug 2020 Cpt_nice

Not a man, but thanks for the mention :) Congrats on the win. Hernando is a fun include, totally didn't know he is only 1 influence

22 Aug 2020 Cucin

@Longi You are right Longi. And yeah I am looking forward to our next match. @Cpt_niceAh Cpt_nice noticed my description. That is awesome:-) But I am little bit confused, because I thought you are man, not woman. Or do you mean that you represents some kind of comics person or something like that?

19 Sep 2020 Council

Congrats Cucin!