Tenma's "A Game of Clones" Blackguard Deck

jejuan1982 2

First deck published, so any feedback would be great!

The idea behind the deck was to take advantage of the 17 influence and splash in some solid out-of-faction breakers for remotes, multi card access, and event recursion/power shutdown counter with an AR Levy and Sacrificial Constructs. The rest of the faction breakers will be there to help pressure centrals and potentially set up an RnD lock. With 9 run events, I will still be able to get some use out of his ID ability.

I dropped x3 copies of a few cards to make room for x3 Quality Time and help draw through the deck faster. If I end up discarding a few things here and there, I still have my AR Levy.

The economy is still a work in progress. The few test games I have played, gaining credits has been hit or miss. Is it just bad luck, or is there a better way to get my economy going more consistently?

4 May 2014 PeekaySK

First of all, love the name! You got a like out of me for that alone :P

Looking through the list, it definitely feels like it needs more Econ. As it is now, your only economic options are Kati, Laundry and Sure Gamble. This most defiitely isn't enough to get Blackguard out reliably, with spare credits to function. I'd up the Armitage count to 3, and probably get at least one Bank Job in, as well.

Siphon strikes me as not a 3-of in this deck - you have resources you care about a lot, no efficient way of clearing tags, and not enough additional synergy to leverage the econ pressure. I'd either go down to 2 Siphons, play NACH instead of Carapaces, or get in some Lawyer Ups.

Also notably missing, some Same Old Things to further leverage your identity.