Bang my rig (1st place undefeated)

gabsnow18 464

Hey ya guys,this is my maxx deck that i piloted in my last gnk.I fall in love with maxx since order and chaos,and ive tried all the possible archetipes with her but this is my final build and i simply love it.The goal is to set-up sooner as possible,and with maxx ability + inject+ihw you can set up easily in the first turns.

Card choices

Turntable: love this console,amazing in the current nbn meta,grimoire is useless here cause i play a few viruses

No suckers and 1 net ready?yeah. Trust me.You dont really need them, i dont face a Lotus field from centuries and ice Carver is simply amazing(plus it sinergizes with NET ready)

Film critic and utopia shard: meta call against the haarpsicord butcher that is the deck most played nowadays.For the same reason i dropped a ihw for a plascrete

Virus choice: 2parasite(initially was 3 but i notes that i install it very few times) 1 IMP ( no slot for the second one,but this deck has a very powerful economy so i dont have any problem in trashing asset) 1 medium(standard multiaccess).With 3 déjà vu i can also get back what i want,so keep in mind this factor.

46 cards: i really dont like the 46 card deck size,but before the tournament i was unsure about what to cut and i kept the 46 card size(that in maxx isn t a real problem)

Feel free to ask me what You want!

28 Oct 2015 hi_impact

This deck is a diamond in the rough. Very powerful list. Do you think you could do Wanton Destruction instead of Film Critic/Utopia? Or is that too slow. It would free up 2 influence but once again you don't really need anything. Wouldn't improve the slots either, but it is interesting thought.

In a Cyberdex Virus Suite meta this deck looks like it wrecks face. Great job.

28 Oct 2015 hi_impact

All in all there is nothing I'd change. Film Critic helps you score rapidly against Haarpsicord. Inject really speeds up the deck to get the key Plascrete/IHW. Only thing I can maybe think of is just simply swapping the Imp or Ice Carver for a Clot.

Also have you missed Stimhack?

30 Oct 2015 gabsnow18

@hi_impact thank you! I like wanton destruction but i like more utopia shard cause it is very flexible and can save your ass in different situation.Film critic is huge against haarp and jinteki,in this meta ill never cut it.You dont really need stimhack,cause this deck have a powerful economy,ive tried it but too often is a dead card in your hand.Clot is a dead card too,cause nbn cant keep You out of their servers and if they score an astro just steal an agenda and swap it with turntable!

30 Oct 2015 gabsnow18

@hi_impact You can cut IMP and try hactivist meeting,but IMP is more flexible in my opinion.Ah,very important,never cut ice Carver!is a key card cause i dont run data sucker, You dont really want to get locked out by an HB that put Lotus field and ichi on the same server,for example :)