Red Dress Fisk

formerteen 1607

Not sure about this build yet but we'll see how it performs. The idea is to make the corp super uncomfortable: penalise them for scoring (Logos, Gang Sign/HQ Interface), flood their hand with cards (Laramy Fisk: Savvy Investor, Fisk Investment Seminar), force them to trash cards they need so that they don't bin the agendas, keep informed about R&D and dig a little in there when necessary (Woman in the Red Dress, R&D Interface), make surprise runs into remotes using Faust. As I said, I don't think this is the optimal build yet but I think with some tweaking, it could be threatening.

Any suggestions would be much obliged. The deck is sitting a bit fatty right now (47 cards) but I'm not sure what should be trimmed. I'm also a little worried about card draw but I'm not sure what to replace with 2xEarthrise Hotel (if at all). The econ should be okay, especially if I can land a couple effective siphons, but any recommendations from grizzled criminal veterans are always welcome!

14 Oct 2015 FarCryFromHuman

I'd replace Earthrise Hotel with Drug Dealer in pretty much any deck (and most others that want consistent draw as well). It's just easier to work with in all respects.

If you are looking for new things to try, DaVinci might be fun to tech. It synergizes well with Laramy and the extra hand size from Logos, and you can use it to play Gang Sign from hand in the middle of the corp trying to score. Not as big of a kick in the junk as Clot, but close to it and harder to deal with. I guess you'd chuck the extra Corroder for it?

14 Oct 2015 formerteen

@FarCryFromHuman i had thought about drug dealer but i'm always worried about the 1 loss. i shouldn't be completely broke too often so i won't get the 'ending your turn with 0' benefit heh. still, obviously there's something to this card. do people ever install more than 1 Drug Dealer at a time? seems like any drawn after the first is probably dead draw, so i'd probably just want to slot two copies, yeah?

DaVinci definitely sounds interesting, you're right. dropping a gang sign mid-score would be great, especially if you've already got an HQ Interface or two on the table.

14 Oct 2015 FarCryFromHuman

@formerteen: I recently played a match where a guy had all 3 Drug Dealers out by turn 4 and was happy as a clam. His Faust was just brutalizing my centrals and I only managed to win by scoring out behind double Turing the turn after he hit 6 points. In every other case I've seen the card only one or two have been installed. It doesn't have to be a triple in the deck but you do want to see one before too far into the midgame, and the best time is right after your economy has stabilized (however that looks for your deck).

As for the money, Drug Dealer costs more in the long run than Earthrise Hotel, but just getting EH installed almost always proves to be a big pain in the ass and a significant tempo loss. Laramy, like all once per turn, successful run identities, can't really afford the hit to his aggression.

14 Oct 2015 formerteen

@FarCryFromHuman i wonder if the 2x Drug Dealer should replace the 2x Symmetrical Visage. i'm sure i'll still have to click to draw even with Drug Dealer, but i'm not sure what else to remove to fit it in. hmm.

14 Oct 2015 FarCryFromHuman

@formerteen: I think the answer to Symmetrical Visage vs Drug Dealer is the result of three questions:

Do you find 1 to be more valuable than 2? That's effectively the economical difference between the cards. DD looks terrible (or at least sub-par) in light of this, but if you frequently run at low credits or make more money than you can burn, you can work around the credit swing very effectively (Nasir with Order of Sol doesn't mind a single DD installed, for instance).

Do you find having multiple clickless draws per turn important enough to pay for them each turn? Drug Dealer stacks, while Symmetrical Visage does not. For decks running with Faust, that can be the difference between swinging a game your way or the corp scoring that last agenda.

How hard is it for you to start a turn at 0 and still operate normally? Multiple DDs will frequently leave you at 0 if you run poor, which needs to be considered. Decks that rely on expensive installs and Sure Gamble for burst hate this a lot, but decks that run drip econ, run-based econ, and/or Easy Mark care way less.

There are some other minor differences, such as DD's ability to inflate your hand before a Scorched Earth/Traffic Accident/Neural EMP/Punitive Counterstrike comes down,