
hanfpartei 1

First off, Credit where credit is due, this deck was inspired by djHedgehog over on the stimhack forums :http://forum.stimhack.com/t/ct-string-theory-doubles-oracle-may-it-works/1784/14 Please check out his awesome deck concept. This deck came about as an anarch riff on that concept, and while it's probably not as tournament ready, it's a blast to play, and it handed me a 16-game winning streak when I first sleeved it up! The Core of the deck is a ton of events and oracle may; with 38 events in the deck, once you get her out, she's practically guarunteed to land her ability.

I've been tweaking this here and there for some time, and a buddy of mine asked me to post it, so here's the current card breakdown:

The Breakers:

-Corroder: too good to not include. I tested morningstar + scrubbed, and while it annihilated a couple decks, the memory is a problem (remember, we want to run as many events as possible) and without datasucker you can get caught behind an unbreakable hadrians or curtain wall.

-Torch: I've gone back and forth on this, but unlimately, it's too much of a beast for just 1 MU. Combos perfectly with retrival run, so the huge cost is rarely an issue. If you want to switch it out for influence, I suggest going all the way and taking (shudder) force of nature. This swap actually plays pretty well, but doesn't have the sheer ICEcracking strength of torch.

-Femme: 1 influnce and 1 mu for a real do-it-all breaker. this deck isn't the best at re-targeting her, but you can get her out cheap and often early, allowing some great medium or nerve agent shennanegins.

Core Cards:

-Oracle May + Hostage: better than 2 oracles, as the hostage is less dead than a second oracle would be if you draw it second. (which is to say, it powers up may and power nap, but is otherwise just as useless). If you've never played a functioning oracle may deck, the econ and draw is amazing for just one card.

-Deja Vu and Retreival run: Gotta love the in-faction recursion for anarch- makes you extremely flexible, and nullifies the problem of inject and oracle trashing your programs out-of-deck. Remember to hang onto your last deja vu if your LARLA gets trashed for any reason.

-Nerve agent and medium: while I am loathe to put any extra non-events into this deck, multi-access attack is a must in most/all decks, and these great in-faction choices allow us to avoid wasting precious influence. the extra program also allows you to overwrite femme if you absolutely need to re-target. Don't be afraid to switch between these two; if the corp-over ICEs one, just switch to the other!

-Duggars: Early iterations blew most of their influence on a precious few copies of test run for fear of the "bottom of the stack corroder." Duggars brings it all together by allowing you to essentially tutor any card in a few turns; simply draw your entire deck! I rarely use this card, but it can be a true lifesaver when you need to dig for answers.

-Inject: Perfect for this deck: I actually prefer my programs to be be trashed so I can immediately retrieval run them instead of needing to overdraw and give the corp a chance to ice archives.

-Power Nap: SO MUCH MONEY. The third copy would be my next splash if I had 2 more points; there are a ton of doubles in this deck, and I regularly get 7-9 credits (from 0!) from each nap. the swing is huge; I love to alley-oop with this and a stimhack to make a 18 credit run from 0 credits and still have a click left!

-Demo Run: the coup-de-grace in 90% of games. combined with virus multi-access, this allows you to wipe their hand or shred their stack. Actually combos well with whizzard, imo: use the ID to clear out assests and upgrades, then swoop in with the demo to catch even more ICE and operations. Also of note: this is your soul weapon against tag and bag: try to keep an eye on HQ; if you see a scortch, it's time to swoop in with a nerve agent demo run and clear em out!

Other cards worth explaining:

Whizzard: The strongest ID for this deck, I feel, he is worth so much money against so many corps; I almost always net at least 9 credits from his ability, often far more. He basically allows you to just be super-aggro when you would otherwise have no right to be. Edward Kim is also a strong possibility once O&C comes out.

Frame Job/Blackmail: I slipped this combo in to help power up power nap, as well as giving me a great alternate route of attack if finding breakers proves problematic. Side bonuses: eats up shi.kyu and domestic sleepers and spits out free money, and punishes BP weyland hard.

Singularity: I first included this on a whim to juice up power nap, but I've ended up using it to great effect quite a few times. An excellent counter to Mushin no Shin, as well as HB super-servers. Use it to override corp bluffing if you have the cash and clicks to spend, otherwise, toss it for cash when you powernap. combos well with queens gambit; if the mushin when you're at zero credits, just toss 3 extra tokens their way then trash it with the money you made.

let me know what you think, or give it a try yourself!

thanks for leaving a comment! a couple of us have been talking and tweaking over on the stimhack forums, and my current build is as follows: -1 Blackmail -1 Quest Completed -1 Frame Job -2 Vamp +1 Spinal Modem +1 Stimhack +1 Singularity +2 Surge

the frame job/blackmail package, while sometimes super powerful, was taking up too many card for how often it came into play. The deck makes great burst econ, but corps tend to run very rich these days, and needing to remove the tag besides meant I just never played it.

Stimhack is one of my favorite cards to see with this deck, so it stepped up to a 3-of. Surge sees great play for surprise mega digs or hand-destruction. And while I am loathe to add even one more non-event to trip up may, Spinal Modem allows me to install both multi-access viruses at once, and the credits go a really long way with this powerful breaker suite.

I'd really hesitate to add in SoTs. they are extremely click intensive and significantly increase the likelihood of gumming up oracle may (the whole reason we're running this crazy deck!).

My advice is to play extremely conservatively with your LARLA, especially against jinteki or any deck that has shown itself to contain traps. Once you draw you last Deja Vu/LARLA, decide if you will need to use it this game. In all likelihood, your deck will be looking pretty thin at this point and you'll probably need to play it. It can suck, it can be a big tempo hit, but suck it up! You might find your outlook brightens when you see 5 shiny new cards!

Dec 05, 2014 voltorocks oh! I almost forgot! quite a few people testing this deck report that infiltration has served them very well, if your meta is particularly Jinteki heavy, swapping it in (perhaps for the blackmail package?) could be a really good way to go.